A Complete Guide to Hire Dedicated ReactJS Developers

Relia Software

Relia Software

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Relia Software


Process to Hire ReactJS Developers: Step 1: Finalize Key Requirements and Objectives; Step 2: Identify Potential Hiring Resources; Step 3: Shortlist Developers; etc.

A Complete Guide to Hire Dedicated ReactJS Developers

Table of Contents

Hiring the right ReactJS developers for your project can be a challenging task, but with a detailed roadmap, you can streamline the process. It's crucial to identify the skills, industry experience, and technical expertise that align with your product development objectives before bringing a candidate on board. This blog will guide you through the essential skills to assess before selecting the perfect candidate for your project.

>> Read more: 

Key Skills to Consider When Hiring a ReactJS Developer
Key Skills to Consider When Hiring a ReactJS Developer. (Source: Internet)

Key Skills to Consider When Hiring a ReactJS Developer

In this competitive environment, the rising popularity of ReactJS demands high expectations from developers. When searching for the right candidates, it's essential to find developers with the necessary skills to execute result-oriented tasks and fulfill delegated responsibilities. Let's explore these vital skills in detail:

Technical Skills

Ideal candidates should demonstrate proficiency in advanced HTML/HTML5, Rest APIs, EsLint, Scsslint, and JSON. They should possess a strong understanding of various React core concepts, including hooks, component lifecycle methods, class and function components, JSX, and props.

Additionally, their expertise should extend to other technology platforms like Jenkins, Zoho, Jira, and others, to enhance their versatility and adaptability.

JavaScript & ECMAScript

When hiring ReactJS developers, prioritize candidates with a strong command of JavaScript features, operations, and syntax. Your chosen developer should possess hands-on experience in functions, DOM manipulation, hoisting, JS scopes, event bubbling, and ES6 syntax. In-depth knowledge of ECMAScript is also crucial for developing intuitive React applications.

Adjacent Technologies

Select a developer with extensive experience in multiple technologies that complement React, such as the MERN stack. Familiarity with the Express-React combo and MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS) is essential for efficiently managing server load, handling multiple requests, and building full-stack JavaScript applications.

Testing Frameworks & Tools

Ensure your React developers are well-versed in Unit Testing tools and frameworks like Jest, Tape, Sinon, Chai, and Mocha. They should also have a good command over Integration Testing tools like Karma.

Proficiency in utilizing End-to-end Testing frameworks and tools such as Cypress, Selenium, Puppeteer, NightwatchJS, CucumberJS, and Webdriver is necessary. Additionally, knowledge of Ant Design, React-hooks-testing-library, and React Testing Library would be valuable additions to your team.

>> Read more about testing:

JavaScript Build Tools

When hiring frontend React developers, prioritize candidates with prior experience in various JavaScript tools, including React Developer Tools for Google Chrome and Redux DevTools.

Look for developers who can extend the React library and are proficient in handling build tools such as Visual Studio Code, Webpack, NPM, and Yarn. It is crucial that they possess skills in installing and managing packages, optimizing workflows, and handling dependencies through these build tools.

Version Control Systems (VCSs)

For complex projects, it's essential to seek a ReactJS team that is well-versed in Version Control Systems like Git, TFS, Firebase, SVN, Mercurial, etc. Among these, Git is the most preferred for storing projects on code hosting platforms like GitLab, GitHub, and BitBucket.

Employing developers with expertise in VCSs is necessary for efficiently reviewing existing code, comparing old and new code, and quickly eliminating potential errors.

ReactJS Workflows

Look for candidates who have handled projects where state management was a priority, and their portfolio should showcase tasks related to app performance optimization. Candidates should have a solid understanding of sought-after libraries and state management structures, such as React Native, React Router, Mobx, Redux, Axios, and Context API.

Their proficiency in utilizing new advancements like hooks in React 16.8 would be a valuable addition to your team.

>> Read more: Mastering Axios in React.js for Effective API Management

React Fundamentals & Styling Strategies

Ensure that the ReactJS developers you hire are well-versed in fundamental concepts and technologies such as Create React App, JSX, NextJS, and Babel.

>> Read more: Next.js: Empowering Web Development with React

Look for candidates with expertise in popular CSS techniques like CSS Preprocessors (SCSS, SASS, and LESS), CSS Frameworks (MaterialUI & Bootstrap), CSS-in-JS, and JSS for effectively styling React components.

Flexible Learning Curve

React is an open-source front-end JavaScript library with a thriving community. As it undergoes continuous advancements and changes, it's crucial to hire ReactJS developers who are adaptable and open to learning new technologies and updates as needed.

Sprint Planning

When considering React developers for hire, prioritize candidates who possess strong sprint planning abilities. They should be proficient in planning tasks and workflows, and capable of meeting project timelines. Look for developers who can effectively utilize task management software to track and share progress during project sprints.

>> Read more: Building Front-End Applications with React

Soft Skills

  • Communication: Effective communication is crucial for React developers, as they often work in teams and need to convey complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders. They should be able to articulate their ideas clearly and collaborate effectively with other team members.

  • Problem-solving: React developers encounter various challenges during development. Strong problem-solving skills enable them to identify and resolve issues efficiently, ensuring smooth project progress.

  • Collaboration: React developers often collaborate with designers, product managers, and backend developers. They should be skilled in working as part of a team, sharing ideas, and integrating feedback into their work.

  • Creativity: Creativity is essential for React developers when designing intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that enhance the overall user experience. They should be able to think outside the box to create innovative solutions.

  • Adaptability: The technology landscape is constantly evolving, and React developers must be adaptable to learn new tools, libraries, and frameworks as needed. They should be open to embracing change and staying up-to-date with industry trends.

Crucial Requirements Based On Developer's Experience Level

When determining the cost of hiring React JS developers, it is essential to consider the specific requirements of the business, as they dictate the level of expertise needed. Additionally, the price of services increases in parallel with the complexity of the project. As a result, the cost will be assessed individually for each unique undertaking.

Let's delve into the skill sets expected from React experts at different proficiency levels.

Junior React Developers

These IT professionals possess 1 to 3 years of experience in the field. Their expertise encompasses fundamental knowledge of the React framework and solving tasks of basic complexity. They should also be proficient in technical tools such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Junior React specialists often act as assistants to more senior developers, aiding them in troubleshooting and effectively handling debugging tasks. They also collaborate with designers and other software architects to ensure high-quality user experiences. Occasionally, they participate in design reviews and technical assessments to provide valuable feedback on specific frontend elements.

In some cases, junior React developers may be familiar with Git source control and possess skills in branching and version management. An inclination towards learning and adapting to new solutions, frameworks, and implementation approaches is also a core competency at this level.

Middle React Developers

Developers at this level typically boast a work experience ranging from 3 to 5 years with React. Their responsibilities include handling more advanced tasks in the implementation process, such as writing class components and functional elements. They are also adept at testing components using React testing libraries and retrieving data from APIs asynchronously.

Middle React experts may collaborate with DevOps specialists for the implementation and deployment of technical products. Proficiency in testing architecture, such as Test-Driven Development (TDD), is a significant advantage for any client.

Additionally, middle-grade developers should have a profound understanding of design principles and the ability to translate them into high-quality user interfaces, accounting for various edge scenarios. Familiarity with infrastructure as code and launch automation is also a valuable asset.

Senior React Developers

At the highest level of expertise, senior React developers have accumulated 5 to 7 years of programming experience with React. These experts are well-versed in building comprehensive tech products, including collaborations with third-party entities and tackling complex debugging challenges.

Senior React professionals demonstrate mastery in leveraging React libraries and ready-made framework tools. Notably, one of the advantages of senior developers is their ability to mentor and guide junior team members throughout the implementation of tech products.

Moreover, senior React developers are skilled in utilizing cloud solutions like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. Proficiency in cutting-edge technologies such as Machine Learning and PowerBI is also highly advantageous for these seasoned experts.

>> Read more: Serverless Architecture With Azure Functions

Investing in the services of senior React developers is justifiable as they bring not only theoretical knowledge but also practical experience and mentorship to the table. They guide tech development teams and optimize the project execution strategy while efficiently allocating the necessary resources for successful completion.

3 Cooperation Models for Hiring A React Developer

When it comes to hiring React developers, having a well-defined strategy can lead to successfully selecting the most competent specialists for your project. One crucial aspect to consider is the cooperation model that best fits your needs and budget. Let's explore the different cooperation models available for hiring React developers:

In-House Team

This model involves assembling the entire development team in a physical office. You are responsible for hiring all team members, including React specialists, providing a physical office space, and paying regular salaries regardless of the number of tasks performed.

However, this option tends to be the most expensive of all, as it requires significant investments in infrastructure and personnel.

Staff Augmentation

If you already have an existing team and want to expand your expertise, staff augmentation can be a viable option. With this model, you can hire the necessary expertise from a third-party tech company.

This way, you save time on interviews and can quickly onboard qualified React experts while also potentially reducing costs.

Outsource Vendor

Outsourcing companies act as reliable IT partners who assume all development responsibilities. They provide the necessary technical expertise and can execute a React-based project of any complexity.

The advantage of this model is that you only pay for the amount of work done, making it cost-effective. Additionally, you have the flexibility to choose a provider from anywhere in the world.

>> Read more:

A Step-by-Step Process to Hire ReactJS Developers 

Now that you are aware of the essential skills to prioritize, building your React team might seem like a challenging and time-consuming task. However, our experts have devised a step-by-step process that can simplify the hiring of dedicated ReactJS developers. Let's dive into it:

Step 1: Finalize Key Requirements and Objectives

Begin by defining your project requirements in a clear and effective manner. Determine the key objectives you aim to achieve by hiring React developers. Clarify whether you need to extend your in-house development capacity or require developers to independently manage your project.

Step 2: Identify Potential Hiring Resources

Knowing how to hire developers is crucial, but knowing where to find them is equally important. Explore various potential resources available in the market, such as freelance marketplaces, job boards, and outsourcing companies. You may also seek referrals from your professional network or opt for a team augmentation services model.

Step 3: Screen Resumes and Shortlist Developers/ Development Teams

Once you have identified potential candidates, review their resumes thoroughly. Shortlist developers or development teams that possess the skills and experience relevant to your project requirements.

Step 4: Analyze the Overall Industry Experience and Work Portfolio

After shortlisting candidates, carefully examine their previous work portfolio. Look for industry-specific expertise that aligns with your project goals and see if they have experience working on similar projects. Consider the clients they have collaborated with, seek feedback and user ratings for their completed projects, and select the most suitable candidate.

Step 5: Discuss Project Details

Engage in a detailed discussion of your project requirements with the selected individual/team. Understand the development methodologies they follow, such as Agile model, Scrum, XP, Lean, Waterfall, etc., to fulfill your project needs. This interaction can take place in person or through a meeting, ensuring effective two-way communication.

Step 6: Choose an Engagement Model

After discussing the requirements, decide on an engagement model that suits your preferences. You can opt for an onsite delivery model, where a talented ReactJS development team works at your location. Alternatively, you can choose an offshore model, where the team manages your software development project from their development center, regardless of your location.

Step 7: Select a Payment Model

Finalize a payment model that aligns with your project roadmap and budget. Consider whether you prefer a Retainer model, hiring ReactJS developers full-time or part-time, or an hourly, weekly, or monthly basis. This will allow you to monitor the project's progress and make necessary adjustments accordingly.

Step 8: Onboarding

With all the previous steps completed successfully, you will have a team of React developers who meet your expectations. The final step is to facilitate a seamless onboarding process, providing them with the necessary resources, infrastructure, and knowledge transfer sessions to ensure a smooth start to the project.

A Step-by-Step Process to Hire ReactJS Developers. (Source: Internet)

How Can Outsourcing Benefit Your Requirements?

Outsourcing companies offer a compelling solution to meet your ReactJS development needs, especially for complex projects. Here's how outsourcing can help:

Comprehensive Services

By outsourcing, you can easily hire ReactJS developers and leverage their expertise in ReactJS libraries, tools, and technologies. These companies provide a complete suite of services, including website development, UI/UX development, support & maintenance, CMS & eCommerce development, API & web service integration, and more.


Outsourcing grants you the flexibility to share your requirements, screen candidates, and hire talented ReactJS developers according to your preferences. You can delegate tasks among the extended team based on your project needs, be it hourly, weekly, monthly, part-time, or full-time, resulting in the creation of world-class products.


Protecting your business-critical data is a top priority when outsourcing. Reputable outsourcing companies adhere to industry-acclaimed security standards, and a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is signed to ensure data integrity and prevent any data malfunctions.


By hiring ReactJS developers from an outsourcing company, you can establish a budget-friendly environment for your entire software development lifecycle. Avoid the complexities of a lengthy hiring process, minimize risks, and reduce overhead costs associated with development.


Outsourcing allows you to monitor the progress of your project from anywhere and at any time. You will experience complete transparency through verbal and written communication. Regular updates and status reports will be shared with your core team to achieve the project objectives effectively.

Quality Delivery

Partnering with an outsourcing company ensures the delivery of high-quality products with reduced lead time to reach the marketplace. Skilled professionals on board will uphold product value and prioritize delivering nothing but the best.

>> Read more: How to Choose the Best ReactJS Development Company?

Benefits of Engaging Dedicated ReactJS Developers from Relia Software

Choosing dedicated ReactJS developers from Relia Software offers several advantages for businesses looking to develop cutting-edge web applications:

Expertise and Experience 

With a dedicated focus on ReactJS, the developers possess extensive experience in building high-quality applications and navigating challenges effectively.

Customized Solutions

Each project is unique, and dedicated developers at Relia Software tailor their solutions to meet the specific requirements of clients, ensuring a personalized and innovative approach.

Time and Cost Efficiency

By leveraging their expertise, dedicated developers work efficiently, resulting in faster project delivery and optimized development costs.

Scalability and Flexibility

Relia Software provides the flexibility to scale development teams based on project requirements, ensuring seamless adaptability to changing needs.

Proven Track Record

Relia Software's portfolio showcases successful projects and satisfied clients, reaffirming their commitment to delivering exceptional results.

Client-Centric Approach

At Relia Software, the client's vision and requirements are at the core of every project. The dedicated ReactJS developers collaborate closely with clients to understand their business goals, user needs, and project objectives. This client-centric approach ensures that the final product aligns with the client's vision and expectations.

Continuous Communication and Transparency

Effective communication is key to the success of any web development project. Relia Software's dedicated ReactJS developers maintain open lines of communication with clients, providing regular updates, and involving them in the development process.

This transparent approach fosters a strong partnership and ensures that clients are informed about the progress of their projects at every stage.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Relia Software prioritizes the quality of its deliverables. The dedicated ReactJS developers follow rigorous quality assurance practices and conduct thorough testing to identify and rectify any issues before deployment. This commitment to quality ensures that the final product meets the highest standards of performance and reliability.

Supporting the Full Development Lifecycle

From initial ideation and planning to deployment and post-launch support, Relia Software's dedicated ReactJS developers are involved in every stage of the web development lifecycle. Their comprehensive support ensures a smooth and seamless development process.


With the comprehensive guide on hiring ReactJS developers, you are well-equipped to build high-end web and mobile apps that cater to your business needs. Whether you choose to expand your in-house team or partner with an external software development company, we hope this write-up has provided the necessary insights.

If you find yourself still uncertain, consider hiring ReactJS professionals at Relia Software. Our team is dedicated to meeting your unique business requirements and ensuring the successful launch of future-ready products. Let us be your trusted development partner, and together, we can bring your vision to life.

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