A Guide to Successfully Hiring Ruby on Rails Developers

Relia Software

Relia Software

Duc Le

Relia Software


When hiring Ruby on Rails developers, asking the right interview questions can help you assess their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit.

How To Successfully Hire Dedicated Ruby on Rails Developers?

Table of Contents

In today’s competitive tech landscape, finding and hiring skilled developers is a crucial task for any organization, particularly when it comes to hiring Ruby on Rails developers. Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a powerful and popular web development framework known for its simplicity, flexibility, and productivity. However, identifying and recruiting top-notch Ruby on Rails talent can be challenging.

This article aims to guide you through the process of successfully hiring Ruby on Rails developers. By following the strategies and best practices outlined here, you can increase your chances of attracting and retaining skilled professionals in this niche.

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Ruby on Rails Developer’s Skills

To be a successful Ruby on Rails developer, it is important to possess a combination of technical skills and soft skills. Let’s explore the key technical and soft skills that are essential for Ruby on Rails developers:

Technical Skills

Ruby Programming

A strong understanding of the Ruby programming language is crucial for working effectively with Ruby on Rails. Knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts, syntax, data structures, and algorithms is necessary.

Ruby on Rails Framework

Proficiency in the Ruby on Rails framework is fundamental. Developers should be familiar with Rails conventions, directory structure, routing, models, views, controllers, and ActiveRecord for database interactions.

Front-end Technologies

While Ruby on Rails primarily focuses on back-end development, having knowledge of front-end technologies is beneficial. This includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and front-end frameworks like Bootstrap or jQuery to build user interfaces and enhance the overall user experience.

Database Management

A solid understanding of database management is crucial. This includes working with relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) and using tools like ActiveRecord or SQL for database design, querying, and optimization.

Version Control

Proficiency in using version control systems, such as Git, is essential for collaborative development. Familiarity with branching, merging, resolving conflicts, and managing repositories is important for efficient code collaboration.

Testing and Debugging

Strong testing skills are vital to ensure the reliability and quality of Ruby on Rails applications. Knowledge of testing frameworks like RSpec, Capybara, or MiniTest, and the ability to write unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests is necessary. Additionally, developers should be skilled in debugging and troubleshooting issues within Ruby on Rails applications.

>> Read more about testing:

Soft Skills

Soft skills are essential for a smooth collaboration with your colleagues and play an essential role in the software development process.


Ruby on Rails developers should possess strong problem-solving skills. They should be able to analyze complex problems, break them down into smaller parts, and find efficient solutions. This involves critical thinking, attention to detail, and the ability to troubleshoot issues effectively.

Collaboration and Communication

Working as part of a team is common in software development projects. Ruby on Rails developers should be able to collaborate effectively with other team members, including designers, front-end developers, and project managers. Good communication skills, both verbal and written, are important for conveying ideas, asking questions, and providing updates.

Adaptability and Learning Mindset

Technology is constantly evolving, and developers need to be adaptable and willing to learn new concepts, tools, and frameworks. Keeping up with the latest trends in Ruby on Rails and web development in general is crucial for staying relevant and continuously improving skills.

Time Management and Organization

Ruby on Rails developers often work on multiple projects or tasks simultaneously. Being able to prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, and meet deadlines is essential for success. Strong organizational skills help in maintaining clean codebases, documentation, and project management.

Attention to Detail

Writing clean and maintainable code requires attention to detail. Ruby on Rails developers should pay close attention to code quality, follow best practices, and ensure proper documentation. This helps in reducing bugs, enhancing code readability, and facilitating future updates or collaboration.

Continuous Learning and Professional Development

The tech industry is dynamic, and staying updated with new technologies and industry trends is crucial. Ruby on Rails developers should have a commitment to continuous learning, be open to feedback, and seek opportunities for professional growth, such as attending conferences, workshops, or online courses.

To be a successful Ruby on Rails developer, it is important to possess a combination of technical skills and soft skills.
To be a successful Ruby on Rails developer, it is important to possess a combination of technical skills and soft skills. (Source: Internet)

Hire Ruby on Rails Developers Using the Right Model

This section will examine three strategies for hiring Ruby on Rails developers. Your business goals, staffing requirements, personal preferences, and budget constraints will influence your choice. Let’s look at the different hiring options through their benefits and drawbacks.

In-house Ruby on Rails Developers

Hiring Ruby on Rails developers in-house has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s explore the pros and cons of hiring Ruby on Rails developers as full-time employees:

Pros of Hiring In-house Ruby on Rails Developers 

  • Dedicated Team: Hiring in-house developers allows you to build a dedicated team that works exclusively on your projects. They become familiar with your business goals, project requirements, and internal processes, leading to better collaboration and a deeper understanding of your organization’s needs.
  • Direct Communication: In-house developers are readily available for direct communication. This facilitates real-time collaboration, quick decision-making, and seamless coordination with other team members, stakeholders, and departments within your organization.
  • Greater Control and Flexibility: Having an in-house team gives you greater control over the development process. You can adjust priorities, timelines, and resources more easily, allowing for greater flexibility in managing your projects. It also enables you to maintain confidentiality and control over sensitive data and intellectual property.
  • Cultural Alignment: Hiring in-house developers allows you to build a company culture that aligns with your values and vision. They become integrated into your organizational culture, fostering a sense of ownership, loyalty, and long-term commitment to your company’s success.
  • Skill Development and Knowledge Sharing: With in-house developers, you have the opportunity to invest in their skill development through training, workshops, and mentorship programs. This enables continuous growth and knowledge sharing within the team, benefiting the overall productivity and expertise of your organization.

Cons of Hiring In-House Ruby on Rails Developers 

  • Higher Costs: Hiring and maintaining an in-house development team can be costly. Along with salaries, you need to consider expenses such as benefits, office space, equipment, software licenses, and ongoing training. These costs may be significant, especially for small or early-stage businesses.
  • Limited Pool of Talent: When hiring in-house, your options for talent are limited to the local market or candidates willing to relocate. This reduces the pool of potential candidates, making it more challenging to find highly skilled Ruby on Rails developers with specific expertise and experience.
  • Recruitment and Onboarding Effort: Hiring in-house developers requires time and effort for recruitment, interviewing, and onboarding. This process can be time-consuming, especially if you need to fill positions quickly or lack expertise in technical evaluations.
  • Lack of Specialized Skills: In-house teams may face limitations in terms of specialized skills required for certain projects. Ruby on Rails development encompasses a wide range of skills, and it may not be feasible to have all the necessary expertise in-house. In such cases, you may need to hire contractors or freelancers to complement your team’s skill set.
  • Employee Management: Managing an in-house development team involves administrative tasks, performance reviews, career development, and providing a conducive work environment. This requires dedicated resources and effective management practices to ensure team satisfaction and productivity.

Where to Hire In-House Ruby on Rails Developers?

To find Rails programmers with experience, you can visit sites like LinkedInIndeedCareerBuilder, etc. Your HR department will need to review many applicants to find the hidden gems and hire RoR app developers.

Freelance Ruby on Rails Developers

Freelancers are remote developers who work on a single project. We will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of hiring freelancers in this text.

Pros of Hiring Freelance Ruby on Rails Developers

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Freelancers often offer competitive rates compared to hiring full-time employees. You can save on expenses such as benefits, office space, and equipment. Additionally, you have the flexibility to hire freelancers for specific projects or tasks, allowing you to manage your budget effectively.
  • Access to Diverse Talent: Freelance platforms provide access to a wide pool of talented Ruby on Rails developers from around the world. You can find specialists in various domains, niche technologies, or specific project requirements. This allows you to choose the best fit for your project, ensuring high-quality deliverables.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Freelancers offer flexibility in terms of project duration and workload. You can hire them for short-term projects, specific tasks, or to augment your existing team. This scalability allows you to adapt to changing project needs without long-term commitments.
  • Faster Recruitment: Hiring freelancers is often quicker compared to traditional hiring processes. Freelancers are readily available, and you can start working with them almost immediately. This agility is beneficial when you have tight project timelines or need to fill skill gaps urgently.
  • Specialized Expertise: Freelancers often specialize in specific areas of Ruby on Rails development. They bring deep knowledge and expertise to the table, especially in niche domains or emerging technologies. This specialized skill set can add value to your project and help you achieve your objectives efficiently.

Cons of Hiring Freelance Ruby on Rails Developers

  • Limited Control and Availability: Freelancers work on multiple projects simultaneously, which can impact their availability and responsiveness. You may not have complete control over their schedule or work hours, potentially affecting project timelines or communication.
  • Potential Communication Challenges: Effective communication is vital for successful project collaboration. Working with freelancers remotely may pose challenges due to time zone differences, language barriers, or lack of face-to-face interaction. It requires clear communication channels, regular updates, and effective project management to ensure alignment and smooth progress.
  • Quality and Reliability: While freelance platforms provide access to a wide talent pool, the quality and reliability of freelancers can vary. It’s essential to thoroughly evaluate candidates, review their portfolios, and consider client feedback before making a hiring decision. Lack of proper vetting can result in subpar work or project delays.
  • Lack of Long-Term Commitment: Freelancers may not be available for long-term support and maintenance once the project is completed. If you require ongoing maintenance or updates, you may need to search for new freelancers or consider alternative options, such as retaining a freelancer on a part-time basis or transitioning to an in-house team.
  • Potential Intellectual Property Concerns: When working with freelancers, intellectual property rights and confidentiality should be addressed explicitly. It’s important to have proper agreements and contracts in place to protect your proprietary information and ensure the ownership of deliverables.

Where to Hire Freelance Ruby on Rails Developers?

Many platforms allow you to hire RoR developers. Check out Freelancer and Upwork if you’re looking to employ developers online. These platforms have minimal screening measures in place, including testing. Junior to middle specialists can be found here. 

If you’re looking for a top Ruby expert, look no farther than Toptal, a platform with a five-step vetting procedure. Only about 3% of all applicants pass the tests and are accepted into Toptal’s database. This can become the best platform for you to hire RoR developers.

IT Staff Augmentation Model

IT staff augmentation means to borrow one or more specialists for the project’s duration. This type of hiring works well for short-term projects. However, unlike freelancing, the staff augment team is part of your internal team, and they will work with you throughout your project.

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Pros of Hiring Ruby on Rails Developers via IT Staff Augmentation

  • Guaranteed quality: A staff augmentation agency can add a layer of security and reliability. Your partner in staff augmentation will ensure the performance you have agreed upon and handle all paperwork. You will get the results you want and be legally protected through contracts.
  • Rigorous vetting: Before hiring Ruby on Rails developers, IT staff augmentation agencies undergo a thorough screening process. You will be able to rely on their expertise and work with only the best professionals. IT staff augmentation partners are more trustworthy than other freelancing platforms that can be prone to scammers.
  • Cost reduction: IT staff augmentation can also help you save money in the long term. Your company will save on overhead costs and training costs. Your staff augmentation partner will handle the onboarding and training, so you don’t have to do any preparation. You can also choose an agency based in Asia (e.g., Vietnam) with lower rates for the same job.
  • Faster Onboarding and Time-to-Market: IT staff augmentation facilitates faster onboarding of resources. Since the professionals are already experienced in their respective roles, they require minimal training and can start contributing to the project immediately. This accelerated onboarding process helps reduce time-to-market for your products or services.
  • Reduced HR and Administrative Burden: When using the staff augmentation model, the HR and administrative tasks associated with hiring and managing employees are handled by the staff augmentation provider. This allows you to focus on the core aspects of your project and business, saving time and effort on administrative responsibilities.

Cons of Hiring Ruby on Rails Developers via IT Staff Augmentation

  • Communication and Collaboration Challenges: IT staff augmentation introduces the challenge of collaborating with remote team members who are not directly integrated into your organization’s culture and processes. Effective communication, project management tools, and clearly defined roles and responsibilities are essential to overcome these challenges.
  • Integration and Team Dynamics: Integrating augmented staff into an existing team can be challenging. The augmented resources may have different work styles, practices, and expectations, which can impact team dynamics. Proper onboarding and team-building activities are important to ensure smooth integration and collaboration.
  • Dependency on External Resources: IT staff augmentation relies on external resources, and there may be a level of dependency on the augmentation provider to source qualified professionals. Reliability and the ability to source suitable resources may vary depending on the provider, which can impact project timelines and deliverables.
  • Intellectual Property and Security Concerns: When working with augmented staff, intellectual property and security concerns need to be addressed. Non-disclosure agreements and proper security protocols should be in place to protect your proprietary information and sensitive data.
  • Long-Term Retention and Knowledge Transfer: Augmented staff may not be available for long-term engagements, which can result in knowledge gaps and the loss of expertise when they move on to other projects. Knowledge transfer processes should be in place to ensure that the knowledge acquired during the engagement is retained within your organization.

Where Can I find IT Staff Augmentation Services?

>> Read more: Benefits of hiring an offshore software development team

You can search online for IT staffing firms and do thorough due diligence. To ensure that the company is trustworthy and knows its business, we recommend reviewing reviews and looking at client lists.

Check out the case studies of the top Ruby on Rails companies and visit their homepages. Finding a company with sufficient Ruby on Rails experience that meets your needs and goals is the key. If you aren’t sure, you can ask the agency about their interview process and how they evaluate their staff.

ruby on rails developers
Hire Ruby on Rails Developers Using the Right Model (Source: Internet)

Step-by-step Guide for Hiring Ruby on Rails Developers

Set Your Needs

  • Project requirements, goals, and scope should be clear.

  • Specialized skills and experience required in your Ruby on Rails project.

  • Decide whether you need a Ruby on Rails front-end, back-end, or full-stack developer.

Provide a Detailed Job Description

  • Write a detailed job description that includes qualifications, duties, and expectations.

  • List required abilities like Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and database management (e.g., PostgreSQL).

  • Mention any extra abilities, such as testing frameworks (e.g: RSpec), deployment tools (e.g: Heroku), or third-party integration experience.

Post Jobs on Various Platforms

  • Post your position on job boards, websites, and social media.

  • Use professional networks and Ruby on Rails communities to advertise your position.

View Resumes and Portfolios

  • Review resumes and portfolios to find qualified individuals.

  • Find relevant Ruby on Rails experience, projects, and community contributions (e.g., open-source projects, blog articles, conference lectures).

  • Test their knowledge of MVC design, RESTful APIs, and database interfaces.

Conduct First Tech Interviews:

  • Conduct first technical interviews with shortlisted candidates.

  • Ask Ruby on Rails-specific questions to test their knowledge and problem-solving.

  • Assess their knowledge of Rails conventions, security, and performance optimization.

Coding Practice Test/Assignment

  • Use a Ruby on Rails practical coding test or assignment to assess candidates' skills.

  • Create an assignment that simulates workplace issues.

  • Test their code cleanliness, maintainability, and testability.

Follow-up Interviews

  • Select the top coding test or assignment submitters for follow-up interviews.

  • Discuss code quality, design, and optimizations in detail about their submission.

  • Assess their proficiency with Ruby on Rails-related technologies such JavaScript frameworks and deployment tools.

Assess Cultural Fit and Soft Skills

  • Successful collaboration requires soft skills and cultural compatibility.

  • Evaluate their communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

  • Assess their understanding and alignment with your team's values, work ethic, and project needs.

Check References

  • Ask top candidates for references.

  • Ask former employers or project leads about their work ethic, reliability, and technical skills.

  • Ask about their strengths, limitations, and performance satisfaction.

Make an Offer

  • After finding the right Ruby on Rails developer, make a formal offer including job specifics, compensation, benefits, and a start date.

  • Provide any required papers, such as non-disclosure agreements or employment contracts.

  • Be ready to negotiate terms.

Integration & Onboarding

  • Help the recruit integrate into your team with an onboarding plan after they accept.

  • Give access to tools, documentation, and resources.

  • Help new developers learn your project's architecture, coding standards, and development methods.

Best Practices for Conducting A Technical Interview

It takes a lot of planning and preparation to conduct a technical interview. Firstly, invite the Tech Team Lead or CTO to evaluate the candidates’ technical skills. An HR specialist will also be invited to evaluate the soft skills and compatibility of the candidate with the company’s culture, values, and culture. Invite the Ruby consultants or senior RoR developers to take care of Ruby on Rails-specific aspects.

This section will discuss the best practices for conducting successful technical interviews and selecting the right people to work on the Ruby on Rails app development process. These tips will help you prepare for interviews and create a relaxed atmosphere for your Ruby on Rails candidate.

Convey your company’s culture during the interview

It is important to remember the importance of corporate culture. Throughout the interview, try to communicate your company’s values. Candidates prefer to make job decisions based on the company’s principles, so it’s critical to bring them up during the interview. Furthermore, it is in your best interest to devote extra attention to transmitting the corporate culture if you want an employee who knows your brand and fits in with the team.

Ask specific questions and learn more about the candidate

To better understand the candidate’s potential fit into your organization, you should review the resume, education, and experience. You can also learn about the background and experience of the candidate in Ruby on Rails development companies to help you ask specific questions without going off-topic.

Make sure the candidate understands the role

To ensure the best impression, you should go over the expectations and responsibilities of the job during the interview. Allow your interviewees to ask questions about the position to make sure they fully understand the role and the Ruby on Rails development services being offered.

Interview Questions for Ruby on Rails Candidates

When hiring Ruby on Rails developers, asking the right interview questions can help you assess their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit. Here are some interview questions to consider:

Technical Skills

  • Can you explain the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture and how it is implemented in Ruby on Rails?
  • What are the key differences between Ruby and Ruby on Rails?
  • How would you handle database migrations in Ruby on Rails?
  • Can you describe the purpose and usage of gems in Ruby on Rails?
  • How do you handle authentication and authorization in a Ruby on Rails application?

Problem-Solving and Coding Abilities

  • Walk me through the process of debugging and resolving a bug in a Ruby on Rails application you worked on.
  • Can you explain how you would optimize the performance of a slow-performing Ruby on Rails application?
  • Provide an example of a challenging feature or functionality you implemented in a Ruby on Rails project and how you approached it.
  • How do you ensure the security of a Ruby on Rails application and prevent common vulnerabilities?

Experience and Projects

  • Tell me about your previous experience working with Ruby on Rails. What were your key responsibilities and achievements?
  • Can you provide examples of Ruby on Rails projects you have worked on? What were the specific challenges and solutions implemented?
  • Have you integrated Ruby on Rails applications with external APIs or third-party services? How did you approach this integration?

Testing and Quality Assurance

  • What testing frameworks and methodologies have you used in Ruby on Rails development?
  • How do you ensure code quality and maintainability in Ruby on Rails projects?
  • Have you used continuous integration and deployment tools in Ruby on Rails projects? If yes, which ones and how did you configure them?

Teamwork and Communication

  • Describe a situation where you had to collaborate with a cross-functional team to deliver a Ruby on Rails project. How did you ensure effective communication and coordination?
  • How do you approach code reviews and providing feedback to your teammates?
  • Have you contributed to open-source projects or participated in the Ruby on Rails community? If yes, please share your experience.

Problem-Solving Scenarios

  • Present a hypothetical scenario where a Ruby on Rails application experiences a critical performance issue. How would you diagnose and troubleshoot the problem?
  • Describe how you would handle a situation where a client requests a significant change in the project scope mid-development. How would you manage the impact on timelines and deliverables?

Remember, these questions serve as a starting point for your interviews. Adapt them based on your specific requirements and projects. It’s also recommended to include practical coding exercises or take-home projects to further evaluate a candidate’s skills and problem-solving abilities.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Ruby on Rails Developer?

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Developer Experience

The salary of your developer depends on their experience. This implies previous  work knowledge and skills. They are usually divided into: Junior, Intermediate and Senior developers. 

This table shows RoR developers' average annual salary. Experience determines developer compensation. The statistics are estimated and may fluctuate.

Experience Level
















Developers’ Location

The cost of employing Ruby on Rails engineers might also be affected by the location. The high cost of living and high demand for developers are to blame. But also the market situations as well. In areas where living expenses are high, salaries also tend to be higher.

Salary levels may be lower in less desirable areas. However, they are even less in countries with a lower cost of living. Salary ranges fluctuate based on the state of the local job market and economy.

Salary information for RoR developers is provided in the table below.




Around $105,000


Around $103,000

South America

Around $11,000


Around $21,600

Asia (India)

Around $2,440


Around $120,000


Around $57,900

Modules for Customer Needs

Ruby on Rails is influential in web development. You must grasp module types as a customer before hiring a Ruby on Rails developer. Customer requirements have four basic module categories.

Project-Based Pricing

Ruby on Rails experts charge $20–50 per hour. In contrast, Ruby on Rails costs depend on the project-based engagement model, which might be fixed-price, time-and-material, or dedicated development team.

Fixed Price

In the fixed-priced engagement model, deadlines and fees are set. When creating an application using the fixed-price method, project requirements cannot be changed.

Time and Material-Based Model

Time and material models are popular with continuing help and pre-established business needs. This method divides the development process into phases for additional flexibility.

The time & material strategy lets you negotiate all development costs, including resource use and material acquisition.

Dedicated Development Team

A specialized development team is a popular remote app engagement method. Startups and enterprise-grade companies use this method to ensure transparency and fast market-ready software development.

A predetermined pricing model, time, and materials are united in the dedicated development plan. Overall, hiring a Ruby Rails engineer will cost more with this strategy than the other two.

>> Read more:


Ruby on Rails developers must be motivated and eager to work on your project. Many great Ruby on Rails companies will help you find and track suitable candidates. Relia Software is a Ruby development company with years of experience. Our experts will help you find the right developers for your next project. To learn more about IT staff augmentation or how to hire Ruby developers, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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