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What to Look for in An Outsourced Software Development Company?

What to Look for in An Outsourced Software Development Company?

7 criteria to look for in an outsourced software development company: Expertise & Experience, Project Management & Communication, Cultural Fit & Company Values, etc.

Deep Dive into Reflection in Golang: Types, Values, and Beyond

Deep Dive into Reflection in Golang: Types, Values, and Beyond

Reflection in Go is facilitated by the reflect package, providing a set of tools for dynamic type and value manipulation. It focuses on reflect.Type and reflect.Value

Types of Indexes in SQL

Understanding 6 Different Types of Indexes in SQL

The 6 important types of indexes in SQL are: Clustered Index, Non-Clustered Index, Unique Index, Full-Text Index, Composite Index, and Filtered Index.

Relia Blog Img

Top 15 Application Monitoring Tools For Businesses

15 leading application monitoring tools for businesses are Datadog, Dynatrace, New Relic, AppDynamics, IBM Instana, SAM, Sumo Logic, Site24x7, Amazon CloudWatch, etc.

configuration management tools

Top 10 Full-Fledged Configuration Management Tools For Developers

10 full-stack configuration management tools include Ansible, Chef, Puppet, SaltStack, ManageEngine, GitLab, Juju, OpenManage Enterprise, HP Infrastructure, etc.

8 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Methodologies

8 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Methodologies

Top 8 leading Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies include: Agile, Lean, Waterfall, V-Model, Iterative, Spiral, Incremental, and Devops.

MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack

MERN Stack vs MEAN Stack What is Difference?

MEAN stack vs MERN stack has some similarities such as back-end technologies, but the essential differences between these stacks in web development. Learn which stack is best for your project, based on performance, scalability, and more.

ruby frameworks

Top 10 Most Popular Ruby Frameworks For Programmers

The list of top 10 most popular Ruby frameworks include Ruby on Rails, Hanami, Sinatra, Padrino, Ramaze, Cuba, Goliath, NYNY, Grape, and Soda framework.

MERN Stack Explanation

An In-depth Explanation Of MERN Stack For Developers

The MERN Stack is an advanced combination of JavaScript technologies commonly used to create modern and dynamic web applications.

java project ideas

Top 12 Java Project Ideas for Beginners to Professionals

12 Java project ideas for beginners to experts are attendance management system, number-guessing game, currency converter, Java job portal, email system, etc.

unit testing frameworks

Top 20 Open-Source Unit Testing Frameworks For Developers

20 best open-source unit testing frameworks include NUit, MSTest, xUnit, Embunit, JUnit, TestNG, Serenity, Selenide, Gauge, HtmlUnit, Jest, Jasmine, Mocha, etc.

Which Case Would Benefit from Explainable AI Principles?

Which Case Would Benefit from Explainable AI Principles?

6 typical cases would benefit from Explainable AI principles: Healthcare, Finance, Legal Systems, Autonomous Systems, Customer Services, and Software Development.
