How To Hire Quality E-commerce Web Developers?

12 steps to hire quality e-commerce developers include describing the needs, budgeting, writing job descriptions, reviewing applicants, interviewing, etc.

 ecommerce web developers

Are you hiring e-commerce web developers? Imagining a world without e-commerce is practically inconceivable. This area of the digital economy grows year after year and has no limits.

Do you wish to stand out, maximize earnings, and enjoy the benefits of a specialized online retail eCommerce platform? Do you want global clients on your platform? If all these questions are "Yes," you need eCommerce specialists with the expertise and mindset to design scalable and efficient solutions.

This blog will cover everything you need to know about while hiring eCommerce web developers.

Why Should You Hire E-commerce Web Developers?

Without e-commerce web developers, any major project could be problematic. Small and fledgling businesses may not need outside help to develop e-commerce websites. As your business grows and more customers join, the platform becomes more sophisticated, requiring more time, money, and attention. 

Because programming technologies have their own programming languages, integration tools, and development techniques, web development is growing more complex. Many companies hire e-commerce web developers for their projects because building a team of "full-stack" programmers is difficult.

Hiring e-commerce web developers lets you save time and stress by having experts manage your website from start to end. Hiring an e-commerce developer is ideal when you have a brand, site concept, list of tasks, and basic goals. Then they will help you design a new e-commerce website for your firm.

You will also need e-commerce web developers if you want to add new features, remodel it, wrap up a code, or migrate it to another platform, even if your website is functional. You shouldn't rely on your skills when you can hire one. Blind decisions might ruin your project and put you back where you started.

Why Should You Hire E-commerce Web Developers? (Source: Internet)

What Do E-commerce Web Developers Do?


A possible e-commerce web developer's duties depend on your needs. To design your site, you need an e-commerce web developer that can do the following:

  • Determine your platform's needs and solutions. Research and suggest innovative approaches using their expertise.

  • Create scalable, responsive e-commerce solutions to your needs.

  • Integrate several payment gateways to ensure transaction security, easy cart operation, and other marketplace-specific shopping features.

  • Help with business digital marketing strategy and implementation.

  • Post-release support, including bug fixes and additional features.

Job Description 

Website performance, scalability, and security are the responsibility of an e-commerce web developer. Along with these technical duties, an e-commerce developer often collaborates with the store's owner or manager to suit their business needs.

Choosing the right e-commerce platform is crucial because building an online store is complicated. After choosing a platform, an e-commerce developer can help you design a store that matches your brand and clients' needs.

Typical e-commerce web developer tasks include:

  • Create great test variants with JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, and CSS.

  • Build quality code using test-driven development.

  • Research and propose new technologies for existing and future projects.

  • Cooperate with project managers to determine priorities.

  • Be productive and comfortable with minimal supervision.

  • Agile development and flexibility in unique cases.

  • Comfortably learn new technology and methods.

  • Develop major creative experiences for desktop and mobile e-commerce sites according to the site update cycle.

  • Develop and implement interactive marketing experiences like microsites and lookbooks together.

  • Collaboration with the web production team to scope and test creative and marketing interactive experience requests.

Required Skills of E-commerce Web Developers

Technical Skills

E-commerce web developers must keep up with the latest skills and technology to succeed in this competitive market.  

Front-end Development

Effective front-end development is crucial for developing a user-friendly and engaging e-commerce website. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills are needed to create responsive, attractive web interfaces. In 2024, an e-commerce web developer must know React and Angular. Understanding accessibility standards and adaptable design concepts is essential for a great user experience across devices and screen sizes.

Back-end Development

While front-end development focuses on the user interface, back-end development handles server-side logic and database management. E-commerce developers should know at least one back-end programming language like PHP, Python, or Ruby. Laravel, Django, and Ruby on Rails knowledge, which helps speed up development and improve code. Handling big amounts of data and guaranteeing secure interactions requires MySQL or MongoDB expertise.

Mobile App Development

Mobile app development abilities are becoming increasingly valuable for e-commerce web developers due to the rapid expansion of mobile commerce. Building feature-rich, user-friendly mobile apps with expertise in Android or iOS, and React Native or Flutter is an essential technique for e-commerce web developers. Mobile app development requires understanding design standards and optimizing performance for different devices and operating systems.

User Experience (UX)

User Experience (UX) design is crucial for the success of e-commerce websites. An easy-to-use interface can boost client happiness and conversions. E-commerce web developers must grasp UX design and usability testing. Attention to navigation, visual hierarchy, and interactive aspects can improve user experience and consumer engagement.

Effective SEO

Effective SEO is crucial for e-commerce websites to rank better in search engine results and get organic visitors in the competitive online market. The candidate must be able to design search engine-friendly websites with SEO skills including keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. Keeping up with SEO trends and algorithm updates can help your e-commerce websites rank higher in search engines.


E-commerce developers must prioritize cybersecurity to secure sensitive customer data and preserve confidence in the face of rising cyber threats. Secure code, encryption, and staying current on security issues are essential for e-commerce website security. To protect user data, one must understand PCI DSS and secure authentication procedures.

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Payment Gateway Integration

E-commerce websites require secure and efficient payment processing. E-commerce developers should be conversant with PayPal, Stripe, and Braintree integration. Understand payment systems, encryption protocols, and anti-fraud procedures to give customers a secure and seamless payment experience.

Soft Skills


E-commerce web developers must embrace change and experiment with new technology and concepts. Your candidates for the e-commerce web development position should be full of product improvement ideas and eager to start.  


Complex systems are often constructed by scattered teams. Web developers, especially e-commerce web developers, rarely work alone. Developers working in silos without aid is a fallacy. The truth? All successful products have productive, collaborative teams.

Good Communication

Communication is essential in e-commerce. Developers must effectively and simply communicate technical concepts to internal employees and external clients, whether they're explaining delays to the sales team, taking UX researcher feedback, or presenting company-wide updates on new product changes.


Global e-commerce revenues rose 24.8% in 2017. The prospective e-commerce web developer must be able to handle the pressure of scaling quickly in e-commerce which is one of the fastest-growing businesses. Developers unfamiliar with iterative contexts may find Agile, Scrum, or Kanban considerably more difficult.


All developers, regardless of industry, must be diligent and meticulous. One error can delay deployment for days or weeks in large, agile tech teams. Developers at successful e-commerce enterprises work autonomously and code carefully without supervision. Candidates must demonstrate they spend as much time documenting changes and gathering data as coding.  


Mistakes are inevitable, and software development is full of them. Team members must work collaboratively to repair bugs and problems because one code change might cause hundreds of compile-time and runtime issues. Developers must admit their faults and accept feedback to work well together.

Requirements of E-commerce Web Developers (Source: Internet)

E-commerce Web Developers' Job Requirements

Education Qualifications

  • Bachelor in computer science, IT, web design, or similar subject

  • Web design, cross-browser compatibility, and SEO.

  • Web analytics and conversion optimization knowledge.

  • Version control experience like Git.

  • Payment gateway integration and security best practices.

  • Experience with AWS or Azure is a plus.


  • 1-2+ years of web development experience.

  • E-commerce development experience.

  • Git and code versioning expertise.

  • API integration in third-party systems.

  • A/B testing and conversion goals experience.

  • Adobe Analytics knowledge.

  • Understanding SQL and related database technologies.

  • Expertise in Java development and HTML best practices.

  • Experienced with Maxymiser or Adobe Target optimization tools.

  • Magento, Shopify, or BigCommerce experience is preferred.

  • You must know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.

  • React, Angular, or Vue.js experience is helpful.

  • Node.js, Ruby on Rails, or Java experience is preferred.


  • SFCC Certified Developer or SFCC Certified Architect.

  • Module Certificate in eCommerce Web Development.

  • Web Design Technologies.

  • Web Server Programming with Servlet and JSP.

  • Short Course in the Development of E-Commerce System by Magento.

  • Short Course in Digital Video Production and Post Production.

Salary of E-commerce Web Developers

Besides the requirements for experience and qualifications, the fixed rate for e-commerce web developers is also a hot topic. Here is the overview of the salary rate of e-commerce web developers by experience level and by region.

First, let's take a look at how much e-commerce web developers earn per month at each level.


Monthly Salary 

Fresher Level

$350 – $565

Mid-Senior Level

$535 – $1,190

Senior Level

$860 – $1,510

Management Level

$1,610 – $2,730

Here are the comparisons of e-commerce web developers by region.


Annual Salary



United States (U.S.)






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12 Steps to Hire Quality E-commerce Web Developers

Step 1: Describe The Needs of Your Project

First, make sure you have a clear idea of what you need for your e-commerce job. Choose the platform you want to use (e.g., Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento), the features and functions you want, and any connections or changes you need. This will help you find coders who have the right skills.

Step 2: Look At Your Budget

Figure out how much you can spend on an e-commerce web developer. Think about how hard your job is, how long it will take, and whether you will need ongoing support or maintenance. You can set realistic goals and find experts who work within your budget if you know how much you can spend.

Step 3: Write an In-depth Job Description

Write an in-depth job description that lists all the skills, experience, and traits you need in an e-commerce web developer. List the technical skills that are needed, such as knowing how to use eCommerce platforms, web development languages (like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP), payment methods, and security protocols. List any other skills or experience that you think would help with the job.

Step 4: Method of Hiring.

Choose whether you want to hire an e-commerce web developer directly, work with a development firm, or use a platform for freelancers. There are pros and cons to each choice. Direct hiring gives you more control and could save you money, while agencies offer a team of experts and freelancing platforms give you access to a larger group of talent.

Step 5: Post the Job Opening

If you're hiring directly, post the job opening on job boards, professional networks, and developer groups, among other places. Make it clear what the job entails, what the duties are, and what skills are needed. Tell candidates exactly how to apply and ask them to send any other materials they might need, like portfolios or project samples.

Step 6: Review Applications and Choose The Best Candidates

Look over the applications you've gotten and choose the best candidates based on their skills, experience, and ability to meet the needs of your project. Look for people who have built e-commerce websites before, worked with the platform you want, and added third-party tools or APIs. Look at their past work, reviews from past clients, and any important certifications.

Step 7: Interview Potential Candidates

Interview the people who made the shortlist to see how well they can communicate, solve problems, and use technology. Make a list of questions that cover things that are special to e-commerce, like knowing the platform, integrating payments, being able to grow, and keeping your information safe. You might want to get people from your business or expert team involved in evaluating the candidates' fit.

Step 8: Look At Samples and References

Get in touch with the candidates' sources to learn more about their past e-commerce projects and how they work. Look at their portfolios or project examples to get an idea of how good their work is and how well it fits your needs. Find websites that have features or functions that are similar to what you want to do.

Step 9: Check For Cultural Fit

Check to see if the candidates will fit in with your team and organization's culture. Think about how well they can work with others, adapt to your company's goals, and talk to you. It's very important to find a developer who can work well with your team and add value to the project.

Step 10: See How Good They Are  

You could give the best candidates a small practical job or a coding challenge that has to do with e-commerce development to see how well they do. This will help you figure out how well they can solve problems, how well they follow writing standards, and how well they know best practices for e-commerce.

Step 11: Writing Offer Email

Make a written offer to the best e-commerce developer once you've found them. Spell out the terms and conditions of the job, including the details of the project, the pay, the work plan, and anything else that is important. Give them a reasonable amount of time to accept the deal.

Step 12: Bring The Developer On Board

Start the hiring process as soon as the offer is accepted. Share the project's documentation, access to any important platforms or systems, and any other resources that are needed. Tell the developer about the needs, design, and results you want from the project. Set up clear ways for people to talk to each other and expect regular updates and reports on progress.

If you do these things, you'll be able to hire a good e-commerce web developer to help you make your online store great. Good luck with the job process!

12 Steps to Hire Quality E-commerce Web Developers (Source: Internet)

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Challenges of Hiring E-commerce Web Developers

Attracting Qualified Applicants

When you start recruiting, you'll realize the skill pool is small. You may hire a mediocre e-commerce web developer. In many circumstances, hiring e-commerce developers from a smaller pool of more qualified applicants is optimal.

Solution: Specify requirements and briefly describe the role in job ads. Use 'knock-out' application questions to address your main concerns promptly. Does the work require a specialist? Include a yes/no question to acquire the candidate's answer. When hiring an e-commerce web developer, it's a quick way to eliminate unsuitable individuals.

Hiring and Keeping Talented Candidates

Recruiters often face this issue when hiring e-commerce web developers. Hiring managers contact top applicants, making it hard for your email to stand out. Top talent always considers multiple employment offers. You must go all out to attract passive applicants to your company over your competitors.

Solution: Before hiring an e-commerce web developer, find out what motivates and delights passive prospects at work. Utilize your data to write sourcing letters that emphasize the benefits of collaborating with your company rather than its advantages.

Fast Hiring

The greatest e-commerce developers may leave for other firms due to a protracted recruitment procedure or inflexible hiring teams.

Solution: Before hiring an e-commerce web developer, evaluate your hiring process and decide if all phases are necessary. Are you looking for qualified individuals in the correct places? You can answer all these queries using applicant tracking system recruiting analytics.

Discuss this with hiring teams and set expectations before hiring developers. Tell them a fair timeline and stress the need to hire carefully for roles where a bad hire might cost a lot of money.

Data-driven E-commerce Web Developer Hiring

Businesses use recruitment statistics and metrics to hire the top professionals. Data analysis can be difficult. Spreadsheets store recruiting data. However, they are inflexible, laborious, and error-prone. This hinders data and trend tracking. Hiring teams desire efficient data compilation and organization.

Solution: Store data and export reports with an ATS, Google Analytics, or recruitment marketing software before hiring e-commerce developers. Not every recruiting measure needs to be tracked. Talk to high management about KPIs that matter to you and your company.

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E-commerce is so important to businesses these days that they can't function without it. If you want to build a fully working website from scratch or make changes to an existing one, you will need to hire an e-commerce web developer. Set clear goals, make a budget, and don't forget to check the candidate's skills before hiring them.

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  • E-commerce
  • development