Step-by-Step Guide to Hire Angular Developers for Businesses

Relia Software

Relia Software

Duc Toan

Relia Software


5 steps to successfully hiring a quality Angular developer are defining the objectives, choosing the employee type, seeking candidates, interviewing, etc.

hire angular developers

Table of Contents

Angular lets you use TypeScript libraries to build flexible, fast mobile and online apps. It also lets you quickly build features into your apps with easy-to-use declarative templates and custom components. Angular is supported by many IDEs, so your developers' tools should work, which makes learning easy, so your teams can catch up faster. Therefore, there are expanding expectations of hiring Angular developers for businesses.

If you have recognized its benefits and decided to hire Angular developers for your project but are unsure how to recruit quality workers and rates, this article is for you. This blog will discuss what skills and responsibilities such developers should have, how to hire Angular developers, and wages and hourly rates.

The Growing Demand for Angular Developers

The digital world is always changing, and for companies to stay competitive, they need strong web applications more and more. A lot of people choose to build dynamic and scalable single-page apps (SPAs) with Angular, a powerful open-source framework made by Google. Because of this, there is a huge need for skilled Angular coders. 

The need for Angular developers is rising for the key reasons below: 

  • Angular's strong architecture lets you make apps that are both complex and full of features. Because it focuses on code organization and structure, projects that use Angular are easy to manage and work well, making them perfect for large-scale enterprise applications. 

  • Angular has a large community of tools and libraries that make development easier and speed up the time it takes to finish a project. The large and active Angular community also helps developers with ongoing issues and provides them with tools to keep them up to date on the latest developments.

Businesses, from e-commerce giants to fintech startups, are realizing how useful Angular is for making web users' experiences that are engaging and focused on the user. Because of this, the job market for Angular developers is booming, giving skilled people great chances to make good money.

demand of hiring angular developers
The Growing Demand for Angular Developers (Source: Internet)

Essential Technical Skills Of Angular Developers

Put Design Ahead of Coding

A strong application framework is important for any Angular project to succeed, and it all starts with a well-thought-out design strategy. When looking at an Angular developer, it's important to make sure that their way of thinking fits with the strategic goals of your company. Developers must answer these questions before coding:

  • What does the code do for the most part?

  • Do we need a new module or library?

  • What does the key do and how does it work?

  • Are there any parts or instructions that can be used again?

  • What service will the business logic go to?

As work on the project goes on, the developer can use the right software development tools to pull out technical designs from the code. An excellent Angular worker must have a strong base and know how the project will progress and what steps need to be taken along the way.

Acknowledge the Lifecycle of Angular

Any good Angular developer needs to know about the lifecycle of an Angular component. Angular applications that are complex and of high quality always use lifecycle hooks in the right way. It gives them exact control over how the component is created, rendered, and destroyed, as well as over changes to its data-bound properties. These include:

  • ngOnInit, ngOnChanges, and ngOnDestroy: These are three very important lifecycle hooks. Each one does a different job in the lifecycle of a component. These lifecycle hooks are something that every Angular developer should know about. They should also know when and how to use them correctly.

  • ngDoCheck, ngAfterContentInit, ngAfterContentChecked, ngAfterViewInit, and ngAfterViewChecked: These hooks are very important for fine-tuning how well an application works. If they know these  5 components, they know all of the change detection hooks for components, which puts them at a high level of product development skill. 

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Being Proficient in Reactive Programming

Reactive programming responds to unforeseen occurrences, which can be paradoxical in code. Many developers find it difficult to apply this reactive tendency to code. Some instances of reactive programming in Angular projects:

  • Live search provides search results quickly, refining them based on the user's input.

  • Application form field validators reactively validate input. The user interface (UI) can immediately display validation alerts or color form fields in red to indicate data validity.

  • Angular can subscribe to data streams (e.g., WebSockets) and update the UI reactively in a trading app. Reactive programming observables allow components using this data to respond and refresh automatically, giving a dynamic, real-time user experience.

  • Developers can efficiently manage data, concurrency, and dynamic, responsive apps by learning reactive programming, operators, and observables.

Building mobile apps with real-time capabilities like live chat or data updates requires this understanding.

Knowing The States of the Application

Every single-page application has a state that stores user experience variables. This can include an authenticated user's name and profile image URL, the presently selected menu item, or a shopping cart's contents. 

In most Angular apps, understanding the functions of distinct states is crucial because each affects the design and functioning. There are three key state types: application state holds shared data, module state facilitates code organization and lazy loading, and component state manages data specific to each component, enabling responsive UIs.

Understanding Software Testing's Value

When hiring Angular developers, verify their software testing expertise, as automated testing is crucial to application reliability, maintainability, and quality.

Automated testing prevents code changes from breaking functionality, detects bugs early, and speeds up development by decreasing manual testing. It gives developers the confidence to alter and upgrade code since a complete suite of tests verifies application behavior. Automatic tests also document the code base and explain how the application's features are used.

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Responsibilities of Angular Developers

An Angular developer's duties depend on the project, product development stage, developer skill, type, and qualification level. Angular developers, for instance, implement the client's side of the product. Full-stack developers, who can operate on the server side, are common. Naturally, the latter will have distinct and expanded duties. 

Consider the following core Angular developer responsibilities as the foundation of their project work: 

  • User interface strategy planning and implementation

  • Making error-free software Using TypeScript and JavaScript frameworks

  • Translating tech into business language

  • Unit testing to ensure product compliance

  • Working together on product design, appearance, and feel

  • Keeping up with new technology and updates for steady product improvements

  • Doing code analysis

  • Making responsive design 

  • Helping define system functional requirements

  • Making reliable, high-performing software components

  • Problem-solving across the project life cycle

  • Consult with designers

Salary of Angular Developers

By Regions


Salary Range (USD)



$10,000 - $60,000

Singapore, India, Vietnam, etc.


$60,000 - $110,000

Western Europe generally offers higher salaries compared to Eastern Europe.


$70,000 - $120,000

Australian tech hubs like Melbourne and Sydney typically offer competitive salaries.


$110,000 - $200,000

Salaries vary greatly based on location (e.g., Silicon Valley vs. smaller cities)

By Country


Salary Rates (USD)


$5,000 - $25,000


$60,000 - $120,000


$60,000 - $110,000


$70,000 - $120,000

United States

$110,000 - $200,000


$65,000 - $120,000

By Level

Experienced Level

Salary Range (USD)

Junior (0-3 years experience)

$17,000 - $21,000

Mid-level (3-5 years experience)

$24,000 - $28,000

Senior (5+ years experience)


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The Challenges Of Hiring Angular Developers

Hiring skilled Angular developers is competitive due to rising demand.  This is wonderful news for developers with the necessary abilities, but firms struggle to hire top talent. A closer look at several important obstacles:

  • Small Talent Pool: Angular, a popular framework, lacks the developer base of JavaScript or Python. Finding developers with the expertise and experience needed for sophisticated projects is difficult in smaller IT hubs.

  • Fast-Evolving Technology: Angular releases new versions and features periodically.  Developers must be flexible and willing to learn new technologies and best practices to stay relevant.

  • Competitive Pay: Skilled Angular developers are in high demand, thus pay is competitive. Startups and smaller firms with limited budgets may struggle with this.

  • Finding the Right Skills: Beyond technical skills, interviewing for soft skills and cultural fit is vital. For long-term team success, candidates' problem-solving, communication, and collaboration skills must be assessed.

  • Competition From Freelance Labor Pool: Many experienced Angular developers work freelance or through agencies. This can make it harder for employers to hire these people full-time, especially because freelance employment offers more freedom and higher pay.

Understanding these problems helps firms recruit and retain talented Angular engineers. Offering attractive salaries and benefits, a happy work atmosphere, and comprehensive interview processes that examine technical capabilities, cultural fit, and enthusiasm for continual learning may help.

Angular developer responsibilities
The Challenges Of Hiring Angular Developers (Source: Internet)

5 Steps To Successfully Hire Angular Developers

Step 1: Define The Recruitment Objectives

Before going into the recruitment process, it is critical to properly establish your project requirements. This includes knowing your project's goals and scope, the exact skill sets required of your ideal Angular developer, and, of course, budgetary concerns.

It's important to make some plans ahead of time to make sure the hiring process goes smoothly. We think you should think about the following things and come up with clear answers:

  • What kind of job are you working on and how big is it?

  • Figure out how many workers you need to hire.

  • In what amount of time do you want to finish the hiring process?

  • Figure out how much money you have to hire these experts.

  • Find out what skills this kind of expert should have to help you build your product.

  • Does your company have a tech-savvy person who can meet people and choose the best ones?

You'll get a better idea of the Angular developer you need to hire after answering these questions. Additionally, to cut through the noise of information and avoid finding a developer with skills that aren't necessary for this type of specialization, you should look through job boards with ads that are similar to yours and read the part of our article where we list the skills an Angular developer should have. 

Overall, you might not know enough about technology, but you should know exactly what you want and what tasks you expect the programmers to do.

Step 2: Choose The Appropriate Employment Type

Each hiring model has pros and cons. Finding the recruitment type that fits the company culture and the nature of the project is crucial.

In-house Staffs

The benefits of hiring in-house developers include deep project immersion, full control over on-site staff, and direct communication. If product maintenance requires continual presence, hiring in-house developers is preferred. 

Hiring in-house specialists has many drawbacks, including high prices, hidden fees, training, and frequent turnover. In this competitive climate, hiring in-house developers helps you recruit top talent. You should offer a nice work atmosphere, development opportunities, outstanding social packages, and concern for the employee's well-being in addition to competitive compensation.

>> Read more: In-house VS Outsourcing Software Development

Outsourcing Team

If you choose a popular offshore site, this is a great way to locate Angular developers with tight deadlines and low pricing. Outsourcing provides access to competent developers, a variety of expertise, topic knowledge, and seamless team scaling. Outsource if you're a company with a budget, a local personnel shortage, or unclear project needs. Our comprehensive guide to outsourcing javascript developers will disclose all the methods to make the process run smoothly. 

Businesses often confront the anxiety of working with an untrustworthy vendor, limited project control, and miscommunication at this time. Avoid working with unreliable software vendors by checking their profiles on independent review services like Clutch or Techreviewer, where you can see customer reviews. Review the vendor's portfolio, which should match your project cases.

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The flexibility, huge skill pool, and diversity of hourly prices of freelance Angular developers make them a good choice. They are ideal for short-term, simple tasks but not major projects with unclear needs. 

Hiring such professionals might lead to security issues, poor code quality, a talent gap, and insufficient project immersion.

Step 3: Looking For Candidates

As soon as you choose the employment plan, it is time for you to find the potential candidates for your recruitment.

A well-written job description is the key to recruiting excellent candidates. Do not merely state technological requirements! Highlight your corporate culture, provide a clear image of the project's vision, and highlight the exciting potential available through your team. Be clear about the essential abilities and experience, but also use relevant keywords carefully to guarantee that your job posting is seen by qualified individuals.

Then, you will need to screen a number of the applicant proposals and CVs. The skills, years of experience, types of projects finished, and certifications are the things that you should pay the most attention to finding the appropriate candidates for the interview round.

Step 4: Effective Interviewing Techniques

A senior Angular developer or tech lead usually leads tech interviews. Although such professionals have their list of questions and methods for choosing the correct team members, here are some questions that can be used in the interview section of the Angular developer position. 

  • Name key Angular components.

  • What lifecycle hooks exist?

  • The purpose of an async pipe?

  • Explain RxJS/ Angular Universal/ Angular animation.

  • What's AOT?

  • Naming Angular change detection methods.

  • List change detection data update situations.

  • The purpose of ngFor trackBy?

The interview will involve more than just rigorous talent assessment. Soft skills should also be examined. Usually, the HR manager does it. Even if you're employing a tech professional, soft skills like translating tech speak into business language, teamwork, attention to detail, curiosity, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence are crucial. 

Finally, in tech and HR interviews, pay attention to how developers communicate their opinions, how extensive their responses are, and how logical they are.

Step 5: Confirmation and Onboarding 

After the interview, here is the time that HR and business have to choose the most appropriate candidate for the employed position. Remember to meditate on company culture and working nature fitted to applicants' technical and soft skills.

When choosing the right applicant for the position, send them announcement emails about the interview results and prepare the onboarding procedure for the chosen one.

hire angular developers process
5 Steps To Successfully Hire Angular Developers (Source: Internet)

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Tips for Recruiting Quality Angular Developers

Despite the step-by-step guide provided above, there is nothing to ensure the success of hiring a quality applicant for your project and business. Here are some additional tips that you may need to consider to increase the ability of success when hiring Angular developers.

  • Angular Community Engagement: Don't just post jobs. Join online forums and Angular conferences. This lets you immediately contact candidates, demonstrate your company's Angular ecosystem expertise, and create partnerships for future employment.

  • Build Employer Branding: Strong employer branding goes far. Share employee testimonials, intriguing projects, and a favorable corporate culture on social media. This will draw developers who like your technological skills and like working for you.

  • Take-Home Coding Challenges: Beyond live interviews. Consider giving project-related take-home coding challenges. Candidates can demonstrate their problem-solving and coding capabilities more relaxedly, allowing for a deeper assessment.

  • Open-source Contributions: Find developers who actively contribute to open-source Angular projects. Candidates' love for the framework, desire to participate, and real-world technical skills are shown in open-source projects.

  • Realistic Expectations and Timelines: Setting realistic expectations and timetables during hiring is critical to ensuring a seamless experience for you and the prospects. Competitive remuneration packages are vital for attracting top professionals. 

  • Streamlined Onboarding Process: Streamlining the onboarding process with clear documentation and effective communication will result in a smooth transition for your new Angular developer.

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As Angular is one of the most famous programming frameworks, you may want to hire Angular software experts at some point in the growth of your business, either in-house or abroad. Make sure you know that the hiring process takes many steps as we provided above, and it usually takes a long time and costs a lot of money (too much for people who aren't in the business).

If you want to hire knowledgeable Angular developers for your projects for a short period to save your time and money, Relia Software can help. Contact us now for consulting!

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