What is Full-Stack Development? Vital Techniques & Tech Stack

Relia Software

Relia Software

Quang Duc

Relia Software


Full stack development includes front-end and back-end application software development. Let’s discover full stack development roadmap via this article.

What is Full-Stack Development?

Table of Contents

With the rise of technology, a shortage of reliable workers, complexity, and high-security demands, full-stack development became necessary to properly handle front-end and back-end development. In addition, full-stack development demand is expected to rise by 30% in the future years. This article discusses full-stack development and the required techniques for full-stack developers.

What is Full-Stack Development?

Full stack development includes back-end and front-end application software development. The front end is the user interface, and the back end handles business logic and application workflows.

This includes planning, building, testing, and putting online a whole web app, from beginning to end. The front-end web design, back-end web development, and development of databases are some of the platforms and tools that are used. 

Also, a software engineer or developer who works on both the front end and back end of a website or app is called a "full-stack developer". A full-stack developer knows how to work with both the front-end and back-end tools that make a website or app work. 

>> Read more: Top 9 Best Full-Stack Project Ideas for 2023

What is Full-Stack Development?
What is Full-Stack Development? (Source: Internet)

Language Used for Full-stack development

Full stack development lets you mix programming languages based on compatibility.

One of the few languages that can be used on both the front and back ends, JavaScript is a great choice for full-stack engineers. JavaScript captures seamless client-server communication with this functionality.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, VueJS, and other languages are often used to build the front end of websites. On the other hand, Python, NodeJS, Java, Ruby, and other languages are often used to build the back end. 

>> Read more about other languages:

Several stacks are also available, such as the MERN stack, the MEAN stack, Ruby on Rails, and others. These make the whole development process easy and smooth.

Associated Full Stack Development Techniques


The creation of an application's user interface so that users can see it is known as front-end development. Its primary function is to design and update the program's graphical user interface (GUI). 

The front end enables access to and usage of the features and capabilities of the underlying software or system by users. Users can see it clearly and take note of it. In contrast to being hosted on a distant server, client software often operates on a user's local system.

In many instances, the user's interaction with a certain system or application is made possible by the client software. The JavaScript Frameworks, CSS3 (LESS, SASS), HTML5, and jQuery are all addressed. And React JS, Backbone JS, VueJS, Angular, etc are the ones most widely used JS frameworks.

>> Read more:


The server software, or back-end software, is responsible for the management and coordination of all server-related tasks. It's done mostly to concentrate on how the website's backend functions.

This is in charge of making sure the server is operational and that each of its various parts is operating properly. Additionally, server software offers an interface via which users can communicate with the server and administrators can control the server.

Apache HTTP Server, Microsoft IIS, and Nginx are a few of the more well-known server software applications. These applications manage server-side operations such as hosting web pages, accepting user requests, and responding to those requests. 

Except some static webpages, other websites requires server application. This program allows users to engage with your application or website. Users wouldn't be able to request data or information from your website without server software.


Data is stored in a database. Database management is crucial to software engineering! Once the database is organized, accessing, adding, and removing structures, reports, rows, and views is easier.

Information is a database's principal purpose. From a database viewpoint, Full Stack developers must learn how to search rapidly, secure data, and more!

Oracle, SQL Server, Redis, and MongoDB are popular databases. MongoDB is the most popular. Select a database that meets your project's needs and grasp data retrieval and operation. Build projects and learn basic syntax and terminology!


Servers host all the layers of software that your web application needs to reply to browser queries.

It is unable to host your web application development on your own computer or laptop. With no unscheduled downtime, servers are supposed to be accessible around the clock, every day of the week. Production servers are those that host your web application for actual users rather than test users. Again, compared to test data, production servers carry actual data that needs to be protected from unwanted access.

Understanding server concepts like virtualization, load balancing, and scalability helps web applications handle many users. As cloud computing has advanced, full-stack developers should be familiar with Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Azure, and other cloud technology providers.


>> Read more: Integrating Security into DevOps for Enhanced Software Development

Development and operations are referred to as DevOps. It combines IT (Information Technology) administration with software development.

The process of automation between IT teams and the development of software is facilitated by DevOps. The term "DevOps" refers to a collection of procedures that make it simple to create and test trustworthy software.

DevOps has gained appeal in recent years as a result of its capacity to quicken software releases, address urgent problems, and manage unforeseen work better. It is widely accepted that the DevOps methodology results in better developer output.

The developer needs to understand agile software development and automation in order to maintain the ongoing delivery of goods and services in a timely and reliable manner.

Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps mix native and web features. Web apps with native app shells are hybrids. After downloading the app from the app store and installing it locally, the shell uses an integrated browser to access mobile platform capabilities. The internet browser and its plugins run in the background, invisible to users.

Hybrid apps are common because developers can build code for one mobile app and numerous platforms. Because hybrid apps add a layer across the source code and the target platform, they may perform slower than native or web apps.

Version Control

New features and functions are continuously added to technologies. An application designed utilizing a specific technology must adapt to a new functionality. The work becomes challenging for coders. Version control systems can help manage changes and source code.

This is made possible by recording every code modification in a software-specific database. A VCS like GIT, Grunt, Subversion, or others should be used by the developer to manage document changes.

Security Measure

Security measures cover everything that has to do with databases, including website vulnerabilities, malware attacks, and front-end and back-end problems respectively.

>> You may consider: Web Application Security Guide for Businesses


APIs let software programs communicate. It's utilized in programming languages, the web, operating systems, etc. Apple publicly distributes iOS APIs for app developers. These APIs let Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat use a device's camera, microphone, and more.

API developers can utilize most modern programming languages (JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Java). Most programming languages have the tools to interface with online APIs, but developers install additional packages or code for ease and versatility.

There is usually not less than one popular framework - a collection of programs - for creating APIs for any programming language. Rails is used by Ruby developers. Developers can add security levels to APIs using packages. A language's package manager, like Ruby's bundler, installs any new programs or packages.

UX Design

>> You may be interested in: Web Design Tips: Elevating Your Website's User Experience

UX designers don't necessarily need to be outstanding designers. However, having knowledge of some UX design elements may be helpful if you work for yourself.

Because the need to advise customers on some adjustments may arise, it is crucial to study and be well-versed in UX principles and the capacity to make webpages more user-friendly.


When testing, you need to use unit tests. So, it's important for coders to test their own code in order to learn more about how automation works. It makes building and releasing tests a lot easier.

This lets us quickly and reliably say that big parts of the system are acting in the right way. On the other hand, an end-to-end test would be slow and break easily if we tried to prove every potential flow through the system.

>> Read more about testing: What is Automation testing?

Associated Full Stack Development Techniques
Associated Full Stack Development Techniques (Source: Internet)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Full-stack Development

Advantages of Full-stack Development

Improve efficiency and effectiveness

The biggest benefit is that it helps developers comprehend the complete web development process, which can make things work better and faster.

Another benefit of full-stack development is increased efficiency. Understanding the front-end and back-end development process helps full-stack engineers spot bottlenecks. Preventing development issues saves time and money.

Improving website and app usability

Full-stack development can also improve website and app usability. Full-stack developers can improve customer happiness and loyalty by building a more unified user experience by mastering both front-end and back-end development.

Overall, full-stack development can improve web development efficiency, effectiveness, and usability.

Disadvantages of Full-stack Development

Not specializing in one area

Full-stack developers must have a wide range of talents, thus they may not be as skilled in any one area as an expert, which could present problems if a project demands extreme specialization. 

More time-spending

Full-stack engineers must work with multiple technologies, therefore they may need to spend more time keeping up with new advances than specialists. 

Full-stack development is more complicated and time-consuming than technology development, hence it may not be ideal for small projects or short timelines.

Popular Tech Stack for Full-Stack Development

The ‘technology stack’ is the software, libraries, and frameworks that build and run your apps. Full-stack web development employs a few main tech stacks:

MEAN Stack 

MEAN Stack has a straightforward architecture despite its moniker. You can use MEAN Stack app development for JavaScript web apps. MEAN refers to MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, and NodeJS, the stack's four main technologies.

Ruby on Rails 

Ruby on Rails debuted in 2005. Ruby on Rails, its brother, is now one of the most advanced server-side scripting languages due to its substantial developments. It uses effective methods like never repeating yourself and convention over configuration.

>> Read more about Ruby:

LAMP Stack

LAMP Stack — Open-source programs can be used to build client and server websites. It usually uses Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

MERN stack

In the MERN stack, React.js replaces Angular as the frontend web technology, allowing components to be reused without rewriting code. For reference, the MERN Stack is a MEAN Stack variation.


Do you remember seeing ads for battery-powered toys like cars or dolls? Remember how easy they were to play with? Simply attach the batteries and start. Similarities exist in Django! With a direct import, Django makes Python scripts easy to utilize. Do you need transcripts? Great! There are several transcription libraries in Django.

>> You may consider: Django vs. Flask in 2023: Which Framework to Choose

Popular Tech Stack for Full-Stack Development
Popular Tech Stack for Full-Stack Development (Source: Internet)

The Future of Full-stack Development

When asked what they think about the future of full-stack development, most people say they like the cross-functional and other perks of it. It involves accepting the benefits of full-stack programming and pushing developers to learn new things and get better at what they already know.

Accepting the Convergence of Technologies

The future of full stack development lies in embracing technological convergence. Full stack developers integrate several technologies and frameworks to meet business demands for scalable and flexible solutions

Full stack coders know how to work with a lot of different tools and languages, which helps them keep up with the constantly changing tech world and make sure that their apps can be used with new technologies in the future.

Improving the User Experience

In the future, full stack developers will be very important for improving the user experience by making interfaces and interactions more simple and smooth. Full stack development is used by Netflix, a great example of this, to provide personalized suggestions, smooth streaming, and a user experience that looks good. 

Full stack developers may create captivating user experiences and boost business success by combining their skills in frontend frameworks like React or Angular.

Getting Used to New designs

Microservices, cloud computing, and serverless designs will become more popular in the future of full stack development. Big companies like Amazon and Google have already started using this method to make apps that are strong and can grow. 

Full stack developers, who can manage frontend and backend components, can negotiate these changing architectural paradigms to enhance performance, scalability, and dependability.


Full-stack web development is regarded as an efficient approach to creating powerful websites and applications. There is no need for separate development of the front-end and back-end. Above are the detailed explanations of full-stack development. Hope this article finds you well!

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  • web development
  • Mobile App Development