What is DevOps? Principles and Practices Explained

Relia Software

Relia Software

Thang Ho

Relia Software


DevOps, a portmanteau of "development" and "operations," represents a cultural shift that aims to enhance collaboration, communication

what is devops

Table of Contents

In today's fast-paced technological landscape, software development, and IT operations have become integral parts of every business's strategy. To bridge the gap between these traditionally siloed departments, a revolutionary approach known as DevOps has emerged. DevOps, a portmanteau of "development" and "operations," represents a cultural shift that aims to enhance collaboration, communication, and efficiency in software development and deployment. In this article, we will delve into the models and principles that underpin DevOps, exploring how they revolutionize software delivery and streamline the development lifecycle.

What is DevOps?

DevOps can be seen as a cultural movement, a set of practices, and an automation-oriented mindset. At its core, DevOps strives to dissolve the historical barriers between development and operations teams, promoting a collaborative environment where software development, testing, and deployment are integrated seamlessly. The primary goal of DevOps is to shorten the development lifecycle, increase the frequency of software releases, and ensure the stability and reliability of the applications.

How DevOps Works?

Within the framework of DevOps, the once distinct development and operations teams are no longer isolated entities. In certain cases, these two groups merge to form a unified team where engineers collaboratively engage across the entire lifecycle of an application. This involves activities ranging from development and testing to deployment and operational management, cultivating a diverse skill set that transcends singular functions.

In specific DevOps models, the integration of quality assurance and security teams becomes more seamless with the development and operations processes, spanning the entirety of the application lifecycle. When the entire DevOps team places a concentrated emphasis on security, it is often coined as DevSecOps.

These teams employ strategies to automate tasks that were traditionally labor-intensive and sluggish. They leverage a stack of technologies and tools that facilitate the swift and dependable operation and evolution of applications. Moreover, these tools empower engineers to independently execute tasks, such as code deployment or infrastructure provisioning, that would have previously necessitated assistance from other teams. This self-reliance further propels the team's efficiency and agility.

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5 Key DevOps Principles

DevOps is underpinned by a set of guiding principles that contribute to its success:


At the heart of DevOps lies the fundamental principle of collaboration. The convergence of development and operations teams results in a cohesive unit that actively communicates, shares insights, and collaborates seamlessly throughout the entirety of the development and deployment process. Frequently, this amalgamation entails the merging of development and operations teams into a singular entity that operates across the complete lifecycle of an application.

The members of a DevOps team bear the responsibility of ensuring top-notch outcomes across every facet of the product. This leads to a form of ‘full stack’ development, where teams take ownership of the entire spectrum of backend-to-frontend tasks associated with a feature or product. These teams oversee a feature or project from its inception to its final delivery, encompassing the entire lifecycle. This heightened level of commitment and engagement from the team culminates in superior quality results.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement has its origins in agile methodologies, lean manufacturing, and the Improvement Kata. This practice revolves around the pursuit of experimentation, waste reduction, and the optimization of speed, cost, and simplicity of delivery. Moreover, continuous improvement is intricately linked with the concept of continuous delivery. This synergy empowers DevOps teams to incessantly introduce updates that enhance the effectiveness of software systems. The unceasing flow of new releases equips teams to consistently implement code modifications that eradicate inefficiencies, amplify development effectiveness, and augment the value delivered to customers.

User-Focused Approach 

DevOps teams adopt concise feedback loops involving customers and end users to craft products and services that revolve around user requirements. Employing DevOps methodologies facilitates the swift accumulation and acknowledgment of user feedback by means of real-time live monitoring and expeditious deployment. This approach furnishes teams with instantaneous visibility into the interactions between live users and a software system. Leveraging these insights, teams iterate on enhancements that align with user needs.

Designing with The Final Goal 

This principle centers on comprehending customer needs and crafting products or services that effectively address genuine challenges. Teams must avoid crafting solutions in isolation or developing software solely based on assumptions about consumer behavior. Instead, DevOps teams ought to possess a comprehensive grasp of the product's journey, from conceptualization to execution.

The DevOps Life Cycle

devops life cycle

The DevOps lifecycle encompasses a series of stages and activities that collectively enable the seamless integration of development and operations processes. This lifecycle aims to facilitate continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous improvement, ensuring the rapid and reliable delivery of high-quality software. Let's explore the key stages of the DevOps lifecycle:

1. Plan: In the planning phase, teams define project requirements, scope, and goals. Collaboration between development, operations, and other stakeholders ensures alignment and a clear understanding of the project's objectives. Planning also involves prioritizing features, setting milestones, and estimating resources.

2. Code: During the coding phase, developers write and commit code changes to a shared version control repository, such as Git. Code is reviewed collaboratively, ensuring that it adheres to coding standards, follows best practices, and is well-documented. The goal is to maintain code quality and consistency.

3. Build: In the build phase, code is compiled, tested, and packaged into deployable artifacts. Continuous integration practices involve automatically building and testing code changes whenever they are committed to the repository. Automated build pipelines ensure that code is thoroughly tested and integrated.

4. Test: The testing phase is critical for ensuring the reliability and quality of the software. Automated testing encompasses unit tests, integration tests, regression tests, performance tests, and security tests. Automated testing tools are used to validate that the code functions as expected and is free from defects.

5. Deploy: The deployment phase involves making the software available in various environments, including development, staging, and production. Automated deployment pipelines orchestrate the deployment process, which includes setting up infrastructure, configuring services, and deploying code artifacts. This phase aims to ensure consistent and error-free deployments.

6. Operate and Monitor: Once the software is deployed, it enters the operational phase. Continuous monitoring tools track application performance, user behavior, and infrastructure health. Monitoring generates metrics and alerts that provide insights into application stability, resource utilization, and potential issues.

7. Feedback and Iteration: Feedback loops connect the operational phase back to the development phase. User feedback, monitoring data, and performance metrics are used to identify areas for improvement. Developers use this feedback to prioritize and implement enhancements, bug fixes, and new features.

8. Continuous Improvement: The continuous improvement phase involves analyzing the feedback and data collected during the previous stages. Teams use this information to optimize processes, enhance automation, and make adjustments to development practices. This iterative process drives ongoing enhancements and efficiencies.

9. Security and Compliance: Security is a cross-cutting concern throughout the DevOps lifecycle. Security checks, vulnerability scanning, and compliance testing are integrated into each stage to identify and address security vulnerabilities early. Continuous security monitoring helps mitigate risks and maintain data protection.

10. Collaboration and Communication: Effective communication and collaboration are woven throughout the entire lifecycle. Cross-functional teams collaborate on planning, development, testing, deployment, and feedback analysis. Continuous communication ensures that all stakeholders are aligned and informed.

In essence, the DevOps lifecycle promotes a continuous, iterative approach to software development and operations. By automating processes, fostering collaboration, and emphasizing continuous improvement, organizations can deliver software faster, with higher quality, and better responsiveness to user needs and market changes.

Top 4 Benefits of DevOps

Collaboration and Trust

Fostering a culture grounded in collective accountability, openness, and accelerated feedback serves as the cornerstone of each highly efficient DevOps team. In fact, based on our 2020 DevOps Trends survey, collaboration, and joint problem-solving emerged as the most pivotal components of a triumphant DevOps culture.

Teams functioning within isolated compartments often fail to embrace the systems thinking philosophy endorsed by DevOps. This philosophy encompasses an awareness of how one's actions not only impact their immediate team but also reverberate through all the other teams engaged in the release process. The absence of shared objectives and visibility leads to a dearth of dependency planning, discordant priorities, attribution of blame, and a "not our concern" mindset. This, in turn, results in sluggish progress and subpar quality. DevOps catalyzes a paradigm shift by endorsing a comprehensive perspective on the development process and dismantling the barriers between development and operations.

Accelerate Releases and Enhance Efficiency 

Velocity is paramount. DevOps-adhering teams expedite the release of deliverables, while concurrently elevating quality and stability. Notably, the "2019 State of DevOps" report by DORA revealed that elite teams deploy a remarkable 208 times more frequently and 106 times faster compared to their low-performing counterparts.

When the testing and review phases lack automation, the journey to production becomes sluggish. Furthermore, inadequate response times to incidents undermine both the team's momentum and confidence. The use of disparate tools and procedures escalates operational expenses, triggers context shifts, and threatens to impede progress. Nevertheless, by harnessing automation-driven tools and adopting fresh processes, teams can heighten productivity and augment the frequency of releases, all while minimizing interruptions.

Expediting Issue Resolution 

Thriving is synonymous with possessing the swiftest feedback loop. A DevOps team flourishes through complete transparency and seamless communication, allowing for minimized downtime and rapid issue resolution.

Delayed resolution of critical issues casts a shadow on customer satisfaction. When open communication is lacking, essential problems tend to go unnoticed, escalating tensions and aggravating team frustration. Open channels of communication facilitate the swift mobilization of development and operations teams to tackle issues, rectify incidents, and expedite the resolution process within the release pipeline.

Enhancing Unplanned Work Management 

Unplanned work is an inescapable reality for all teams, one that often leaves a mark on team efficiency. Through well-defined processes and clear prioritization, development and operations teams can adeptly handle unforeseen tasks while maintaining focus on planned activities.

Shuffling and ranking unplanned tasks among disparate teams and systems is a counterproductive endeavor, diverting attention from ongoing tasks. Nevertheless, with heightened visibility and proactive reflection, teams are better equipped to anticipate and distribute unplanned work effectively.

Embracing DevOps practices in their entirety empowers teams to operate more intelligently and expeditiously, ultimately delivering superior quality to their customers. Elevated reliance on automation and cross-functional cooperation diminishes intricacies and errors, culminating in an improved Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR) during incidents and outages.

DevOps Practices

devops best practices

DevOps practices encompass a series of methodologies and strategies that foster collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement within software development and operations teams. These practices aim to streamline processes, enhance communication, and deliver high-quality software with greater efficiency. Here are some prominent DevOps practices:

Continuous Integration 

Continuous Integration refers to a software development approach in which developers frequently integrate their code modifications into a central repository. Subsequently, automated builds and tests are executed. The primary objectives of continuous integration encompass the swift identification and resolution of bugs, enhancement of software quality, and reduction in the duration required to validate and unveil fresh software updates.

Continuous Delivery 

Continuous delivery constitutes a software development practice wherein code alterations undergo automatic building, testing, and preparation for deployment. This approach extends the concept of continuous integration by not only executing code changes but also deploying them to either a testing or production environment post the build phase. Effective implementation of continuous delivery ensures that developers consistently possess deployable build artifacts that have undergone standardized testing procedures.

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Microservices architecture is an architectural methodology aimed at constructing a unified application composed of small-scale services. Each service operates within its distinct process and communicates with other services via a clearly defined interface, typically employing a lightweight mechanism such as an HTTP-based application programming interface (API). Microservices revolve around distinct business capabilities, with each service dedicated to a singular purpose. Microservices can be developed employing diverse frameworks or programming languages and deployed autonomously, either as an individual service or as part of a service group.

Infrastructure as Code 

Infrastructure as code entails the practice of provisioning and managing infrastructure using code and software development techniques, encompassing version control and continuous integration. The cloud's API-driven model empowers developers and system administrators to interact programmatically with infrastructure, facilitating scalability, and eliminating the need for manual setup and configuration. Consequently, engineers can manage infrastructure utilizing code-centric tools, resembling the approach adopted for application code. Defined by code, infrastructure and servers can be swiftly deployed through standardized patterns, updated with the latest patches and versions, or duplicated systematically.

Configuration Management 

Configuration management involves the automation of operating system and host configurations, operational tasks, and similar functions using code. The use of code guarantees the repeatability and standardization of configuration changes. This approach liberates developers and system administrators from the burden of manually configuring operating systems, system applications, and server software.

Policy as Code 

With the codification of infrastructure and its configuration within the cloud, organizations gain the capability to dynamically and extensively monitor and enforce compliance. Infrastructures described by code can be meticulously tracked, validated, and modified in an automated manner. This facilitates governance over resource changes, ensuring the enforcement of security measures in a distributed manner, such as compliance with standards like PCI-DSS or HIPAA. This approach empowers organizational teams to operate at heightened velocity, as non-compliant resources can be promptly identified and rectified through automated processes.

Monitoring and Logging 

Organizations rely on monitoring metrics and logs to gauge the impact of application and infrastructure performance on end-user experience. By capturing, categorizing, and analyzing data and logs generated by applications and infrastructure, organizations gain insights into the effects of changes or updates on users, thereby uncovering the root causes of issues or unforeseen shifts. As services must remain accessible round-the-clock and updates become more frequent, proactive monitoring becomes pivotal. The creation of alerts and real-time analysis aids organizations in preemptively overseeing their services.

Communication and Collaboration 

Enhanced communication and collaboration within an organization represent core cultural elements of DevOps. The employment of DevOps tools and automation in the software delivery process cultivates collaboration by amalgamating the workflows and responsibilities of development and operations. Furthermore, these teams establish robust cultural norms centered around information sharing and communication facilitation, achieved through chat applications, issue tracking systems, project management tools, and wikis. This expedites communication across development, operations, and other teams, enabling all facets of the organization to harmonize their objectives and endeavors.

Adopting a DevOps Model: A Comprehensive Approach 

DevOps Cultural Philosophy

Embracing the DevOps model necessitates a transformative shift in culture and mindset. At its core, DevOps revolves around dismantling the historical divisions between two traditionally segregated entities: development and operations. In certain organizational contexts, these teams might even converge, with engineers performing dual roles. Under the DevOps ethos, these two factions collaborate harmoniously to optimize developer productivity and operational reliability. A shared objective emerges – frequent communication, increased efficiencies, and the elevation of service quality for customers. This entails taking complete ownership of their services, often exceeding the conventional scope of their roles or designations. Additionally, quality assurance and security teams might seamlessly integrate with these collaborative units. Regardless of organizational structure, enterprises embracing the DevOps paradigm perceive the entirety of the development and infrastructure lifecycle as integral to their responsibilities.

DevOps Practices Explained

Within the sphere of DevOps, several cardinal practices propel organizations towards accelerated innovation by automating and streamlining software development and infrastructure management processes. The effective execution of these practices is contingent on suitable tooling.

A foundational tenet involves the implementation of frequent, albeit incremental, updates. This mechanism fuels accelerated innovation for the benefit of customers. Unlike sporadic updates often associated with conventional release methods, these incremental updates substantially mitigate risk. They expedite the resolution of bugs by pinpointing the specific deployment that triggered the issue. While the rhythm and scale of updates may fluctuate, organizations adhering to the DevOps model markedly surpass their traditional counterparts in terms of deployment frequency.

Furthermore, organizations might opt for a microservices architecture to infuse their applications with flexibility and expedite innovation. This architecture disentangles intricate systems into discrete, autonomous projects. Applications fragment into numerous distinct components (services), with each service dedicated to a singular purpose or function. This approach facilitates the decoupling of application updates, and when coupled with nimble teams responsible for each service, organizations gain the ability to operate at an accelerated pace.

Nonetheless, the amalgamation of microservices and heightened release frequency introduces operational complexities stemming from an increased volume of deployments. In this context, DevOps practices such as continuous integration and continuous delivery come to the fore, resolving these challenges and enabling swift, secure, and reliable deliveries. The practices of infrastructure automation, encompassing infrastructure as code and configuration management, uphold the elasticity and adaptability of computing resources in response to frequent modifications. Moreover, the adoption of monitoring and logging mechanisms empowers engineers to swiftly identify and address issues by tracking application and infrastructure performance.

These practices converge to facilitate organizations in delivering updates to their customers at an accelerated pace, coupled with enhanced reliability. Here is a concise overview of these pivotal DevOps practices.

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In this blog, we talked about the DevOps life cycle, the principles of DevOps, the benefits of DevOps, and how DevOps works.

You can be sure that learning about DevOps will pay off because it's not going away. DevOps is a method that is becoming more and more popular among companies that want to make the development of their software process better. Hope this blog finds you well!

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