Top 10 Full-Fledged Configuration Management Tools For Developers

10 full-stack configuration management tools include Ansible, Chef, Puppet, SaltStack, ManageEngine, GitLab, Juju, OpenManage Enterprise, HP Infrastructure, etc.

configuration management tools

In the fast-paced world of software development, managing configurations across several environments can be a difficult and error-prone task. Configuration management systems step in as superheroes, rescuing developers from difficult activities and assuring consistent, dependable deployments. 

This article looks at the meaning of configuration management tools and lists the top ten full-featured configuration management tools that allow developers to focus on producing amazing software rather than managing setups. Let's check it out!

>> Read more: Advantages and Disadvantages of Open-Source Software

What Are Configuration Management Tools?

Configuration management tools are software applications that automate the provisioning, configuration, and management of IT infrastructure. They simplify the deployment and maintenance of systems, applications, and services across several environments.

These tools describe the desired system state using code-based definitions (Infrastructure as Code). They then automatically apply adjustments to align the current state with the defined state. This guarantees consistent, reliable, and efficient management of IT infrastructure. 

configuration management

10 Best Configuration Management Tools For Business


Ansible is a widely used open-source automation tool for configuration management, application deployment, and IT orchestration. It is favored by DevOps teams for its agentless architecture and human-readable syntax.

Key Features

  • Agentless Architecture: Manages systems without additional software on target nodes, making setup and maintenance easier.
  • Basic Syntax: Uses YAML, a language that is easily understood by humans, to specify automation tasks, making it accessible to users with varying technical expertise.
  • Generous and Vigorous Community: Benefits from an extensive network of modules, plugins, and community support.


  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamlines repetitive tasks, resulting in time and resource savings.
  • Better Consistency: Ensures uniform configurations across all environments.
  • Accelerated Deployment: Optimizes the process of deploying applications and provisioning infrastructure.
  • Cost reduction: Enhances resource efficiency and reduces operational costs.


  • Large-Scale Environments: Managing massive infrastructures may require additional tools or features.
  • Complex Automation Learning Curve: Ansible expertise is needed to create complicated automation playbooks.



Chef is a popular configuration management tool that defines infrastructure configurations through a Ruby-based language (Ruby DSL). It focuses on a chef-server design, making it ideal for large-scale environments.

Key Features

  • Chef-Server Architecture: Centralised configuration management and policy enforcement.
  • Cookbooks: Reusable system configuration modules.
  • Resources: Components used to define desired system states.
  • Attributes: Dynamic configuration data.
  • Strong Community and Ecosystem: An extensive cookbook library and community support.


  • Scalability: Easily handles large-scale infrastructure.
  • Compliance: Ensures that the configuration adheres to the requirements.
  • Automation: Improves productivity by automating routine tasks.
  • Collaboration: Supports team-based configuration development and management.


  • Learning Curve: Proficiency with Ruby or Chef's DSL is required.
  • Increased Complexity: Managing the tool can be more complex compared to agentless tools.
  • Dependence on Chef Server: Relies on a centralized server for configuration management.



Puppet is a well-known configuration management tool recognized for its declarative methodology and emphasis on Infrastructure as Code. The system utilizes a domain-specific language (DSL) to precisely specify the desired state of systems.

Key Features

  • Declarative Language: Defines the ideal state of the systems, enabling Puppet to determine the required modifications.
  • Agent-Based Architecture: Utilises agents on controlled nodes to enforce specified configurations.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Allows for granular control over user permissions.
  • Node Classification: Groups nodes for targeted configuration management.
  • Compliance Management: Keeps track of system configurations about established guidelines.


  • Scalability: Efficiently manages large and complex IT infrastructures.
  • Compliance Enforcement: Ensures strict adherence to security and regulatory standards.
  • Infrastructure as Code: Facilitates configuration collaboration and version control.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Offers information on compliance status and system configurations.


  • Higher learning curve: Requires knowledge of Puppet's DSL.
  • Complexity: Can be more complex to manage compared to agentless tools.
  • Dependency on Puppet Master: Using a centralized server to handle configurations.



SaltStack is an open-source, Python-based platform for remote execution and configuration management. It is known for its speed, scalability, and ability to handle numerous systems efficiently.

Key Features

  • Master-Minions Architecture: Centralized control over managed nodes.
  • Real-time Execution: Allows quick command execution and configuration changes.
  • Declarative and Imperative States: Provide versatility in specifying the desired states of a system.
  • Python-based extensible: Facilitates customization and creation of unique modules.
  • Sturdy Event-Driven System: Responds automatically to system changes.


  • Scalability: Manages large infrastructures with exceptional performance.
  • Speed: Performs commands and configurations rapidly.
  • Flexibility: Provides options for both declarative and imperative methods.
  • Automation: Automates repetitive tasks to enhance productivity.
  • Event-driven Automation: Proactively reacts to modifications in the system.


  • Increased learning curve: Advanced use cases require Python competence.
  • Small-scale environments: May be too complex for controlling a few systems.
  • Dependence on Master Server: Relying on a central server for control.


ManageEngine Configuration Management

ManageEngine Configuration Management is a comprehensive platform that caters to different configuration management requirements, such as network devices, servers, and endpoints. The software provides a wide range of advanced capabilities for managing configurations, ensuring compliance, and handling changes.

Key Features

  • Network Configuration Management (NCM): Concentrates on the automation of network device configuration, backup, and compliance.
  • Endpoint Configuration Management: Oversees the configurations of endpoints, such as workstations, laptops, and mobile devices.
  • Server Configuration Management: Offers tools for managing server configurations and compliance.
  • Change Management: Ensures accountability and visibility by monitoring and controlling configuration changes.
  • Compliance Management: Evaluates configurations under established policies and standards.


  • Unified Platform: Manages many IT infrastructures from a single console.
  • Automation: Reduces manual effort by automating configuration procedures.
  • Compliance Enforcement: Enforces industry regulations and corporate policies.
  • Change Control: Ensures configuration integrity through change management techniques.
  • Reporting and Analysis: Provides information on configuration status and trends.


  • Vendor Lock-In: Tight integration with other ManageEngine products may limit flexibility.
  • Focus on Enterprise Environments: Better suited for large organizations with complex IT infrastructures.
  • Potential Learning Curve: Requires time to master the full range of features.

ManageEngine tool


GitLab is primarily known as a Git-based code collaboration and CI/CD platform, but it also provides extensive configuration management capabilities via connection with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools and CI/CD pipelines.

GitLab's DevOps platform includes a thorough configuration management method. Businesses should, however, carefully assess their requirements to see whether GitLab is the best fit for their configuration management needs.

Key Features

  • Integrated CI/CD: Automates infrastructure provisioning and configuration as part of the software delivery pipeline.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Support: Works with Terraform, Ansible, and Puppet to define and manage infrastructure.
  • Version Control: Tracks configuration changes for cooperation and rollback.
  • CI/CD Pipelines: Automates the deployment and configuration of infrastructure assets.
  • Monitoring and Alerting: Enables visibility into infrastructure health and performance.


  • Unified Platform: Combines code, infrastructure, and CI/CD pipeline management into a single solution.
  • Automation: Streamlines infrastructure provisioning and configuration.
  • Collaboration: Allows for collaboration via shared configuration repositories.
  • Continuous Delivery: Enables fast and dependable software delivery.
  • Security: Integrates with security technologies to scan for vulnerabilities and ensure compliance.


  • Steeper Learning Curve: Requires understanding of Git, CI/CD, and IaC concepts.
  • Focus on DevOps: Might not be the primary choice for organizations solely focused on configuration management.
  • Dependency on GitLab for CI/CD: Requires using GitLab's CI/CD pipelines for full automation benefits.



Juju is an open-source application modeling tool for deploying, integrating, and managing applications across many cloud environments. While not a typical configuration management tool, it provides orchestration and deployment features that complement configuration management.

Key Features

  • Charms: Encapsulate application logic and configuration.
  • Multi-Cloud Support: Deploys and manages applications on multiple cloud providers.
  • Application Modelling: Defines the interactions and dependencies between applications.
  • Lifecycle Management: Manages application scaling, upgrades, and removal.
  • Configuration Management Tool Integration: Can be used with configuration management tools like Puppet or Ansible for detailed configuration.


  • Simplified Application Deployment: Simplifies the process of deploying and managing complicated applications.
  • Cloud Portability: Allows for easy movement of apps between cloud providers.
  • Scalability: Supports both small and large-scale deployments.
  • Integration Capabilities: Combines nicely with other configuration management solutions to provide greater flexibility.


  • Focus on Application Modeling: Designed primarily for application deployment and management, rather than configuration management alone.
  • Learning Curve: Requires understanding of Juju principles and terminology.
  • Limited Configuration Management Features: Provides basic configuration management capabilities, but may need additional tools for advanced configuration management.


OpenManage Enterprise

OpenManage Enterprise is a comprehensive platform for managing Dell EMC servers, storage, and networking devices. While not a standard configuration management tool in the same sense as Ansible or Puppet, it does provide configuration management capabilities for Dell devices.

Key Features

  • Server Lifecycle Management: Manages Dell PowerEdge servers' discovery, deployment, updates, monitoring, and maintenance.
  • Configuration Management: Includes tools for installing and managing server settings.
  • Inventory Management: Monitors hardware and software assets.
  • Firmware Management: Updates and manages the firmware on Dell devices.
  • Monitoring and alerting: Tracks system health and performance.


  • Simplified Dell Hardware Management: Provides a uniform platform for controlling Dell infrastructure.
  • Automation: Automates routine managerial tasks to increase productivity.
  • Proactive Maintenance: Monitors and alerts for potential issues.
  • Compliance: Ensures adherence to industry standards and regulations.


  • Dell-Centric Focus: Specifically developed to manage Dell EMC hardware.
  • Limited Configuration Management Scope: Configuration management features are more focused on Dell-specific settings than general-purpose configuration management solutions.
  • Potential Learning Curve: Knowledge of the OpenManage Enterprise interface and functionality is required.

openmanage enterprise

HP Infrastructure Management Platform

HPE OneView is a complete infrastructure management platform that simplifies the management of HPE data center infrastructure, such as servers, storage, and networks.

HPE OneView is a useful tool for organizations that rely significantly on HPE infrastructure. Businesses that operate in a diversified IT environment may require additional configuration management technologies.

Key Features

  • Unified management: Offers a single interface for managing various HPE infrastructure components.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Allows for the definition and control of infrastructure via templates.
  • Automation: Provisioning, configuration, and management tasks are all automated.
  • Orchestration: Manages many infrastructure components for complex deployments.
  • Software-Defined Infrastructure (SDI): Facilitates the establishment of a flexible and agile infrastructure management system.


  • Increased Efficiency: Improves infrastructure management processes.
  • Reduced Errors: Automation reduces human errors.
  • Accelerated Deployment: Accelerates the provisioning of new infrastructure resources.
  • Improved Agility: Enables rapid infrastructure modifications in response to business needs.
  • Cost Optimization: Improves resource utilization and lowers operational expenses.


  • HPE-Centric Focus: Specifically built to manage HPE infrastructure components.
  • Learning curve: It takes time to master the platform's capabilities.
  • Dependency on the HPE Ecosystem: Tight integration with HPE hardware and software may limit flexibility.


IBM Cloud Automation Engine

IBM Cloud Automation Engine is a cloud-based platform that automates the provisioning, configuration, and management of IBM cloud services.

This is a great tool for firms that rely significantly on IBM Cloud. However, organizations with a diverse cloud strategy may require extra configuration management solutions.

Key Features

  • Workflow Automation: Develops and maintains automated procedures for delivering and managing cloud resources.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Uses IaC principles to define and manage cloud infrastructure.
  • Hybrid Cloud Management: Controls resources in many cloud environments, including on-premises.
  • Integration with IBM Cloud Services: Works seamlessly with other IBM Cloud services.
  • Compliance and Security: Enforces security and compliance requirements.


  • Accelerated Deployments: Speeds up the provisioning of cloud resources.
  • Improved Consistency: Standardizes configurations across environments.
  • Reduced Errors: Automation reduces human mistakes.
  • Cost Optimisation: Improves resource utilization and lowers cloud spending.
  • Compliance Adherence: Enforces security and regulatory standards.


  • Focus on IBM Cloud: Specifically intended for managing IBM Cloud resources.
  • Learning Curve: A thorough understanding of the platform's workflow capabilities is required.
  • Dependency on IBM Cloud: A tight connection with IBM Cloud services may limit flexibility in multi-cloud systems.


>> Read more: 


The landscape of configuration management solutions is broad, with each offering distinct capabilities and catering to certain requirements. Understanding the essential features, benefits, and limitations of these tools enables developers to make informed judgments and choose the one that best meets their project requirements and team preferences. Remember that the optimal tool enables efficient workflows, encourages cooperation, and, ultimately, simplifies the route to successful deployment.

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