Top 15 Mobile App Development Frameworks For Businesses

Top 15 mobile app development frameworks include React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, Swiftic, Ionic, Mobile Angular UI, Native Scripts, jQuery Mobile, etc.

mobile app development frameworks

Mobile app development frameworks are now vital for developers due to the continued importance of mobile app development to corporate success. The term “mobile app framework" describes a collection of resources that make it easier for programmers to create mobile applications.

The demand for mobile applications is expected to keep growing, leading to a greater need for efficient frameworks for developing these apps. Along with other crucial aspects of app development frameworks, this article will go over the top mobile app development frameworks for businesses.

What is A Mobile App Development Framework?

A mobile app development framework is a reusable and efficient tools that simplify feature-rich app development. They speed up mobile app development to ensure efficiency. They also enable cross-platform app creation utilizing a single codebase.

Complete mobile app development frameworks comprise the application's fundamental structure and SDKs. Programming interfaces, compilers, API tools, debugging utilities, code libraries, and prebuilt solutions are among the essential tools in these frameworks.

A mobile app development framework provides the foundation for building mobile apps for certain platforms and settings.

what is mobile app development framework
What is A Mobile App Development Framework? (Source: Internet)

Benefits of Mobile App Development Frameworks

Save Money and Time

By simplifying code writing and maintenance, a mobile app framework may save you time and money. You may customize and integrate reusable components, libraries, and templates from a mobile app framework. This lets you focus on your app's key features rather than platform, device, and browser specifics. Since you can utilize the same code base for numerous platforms, a mobile app framework simplifies testing and debugging.

Expand Your Audience

A mobile app framework can help you reach more people by making your app function on numerous platforms and devices. A mobile app framework lets you construct hybrid or web-based apps that use the device's camera, GPS, and notifications and are accessible through a web browser. 

Through this, you can provide a uniform and smooth experience across operating systems, screen sizes, and orientations. A mobile app framework lets you deliver changes to users without having them download a new version, making app updates and distribution easier.

Improve Performance and Interface

A third reason to utilize a mobile app framework is that it may improve your app's user experience and performance by offering many choices and features. A mobile app framework uses industry-standard themes, layouts, icons, and fonts to help you construct a responsive and beautiful app. 

By optimizing content delivery and rendering with caching, compression, minification, and lazy loading, a mobile app framework may boost performance and speed. You may incorporate third-party services and APIs like analytics, social networking, and payment systems into your app using a mobile app framework to improve its functionality and usability.

Learn New Tech and Skills

The last reason to adopt a mobile app framework is to master new skills and technologies that will improve your profession and portfolio. A mobile app framework can teach you popular mobile app development languages, frameworks, and technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, React, Ionic, Cordova, Firebase, and more. 

Using a mobile app framework may help you learn to code, solve issues, and innovate. Publish and share your app with possible employers, clients, and customers using a mobile app framework to display your work and achievements.

Top 15 Modern Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2023

React Native

A popular framework for building mobile apps, React Native has been available for some time. Facebook created an open-source framework so anybody can make apps that run on iOS, Android, and the web.

Thanks to React Native, programmers just need to create code once to have it work across all platforms. It is now one of the most popular frameworks among app developers, with over 2 million users monthly.

Key Features:

  • Truly remarkable performance;

  • Components that are capable of being reused;

  • Both cost-effectiveness and code reusability;

  • Compatible with plugins developed by third parties;

  • Provides functionality for quick deployment to users;

  • Simple and easy maintenance.

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In 2017, Google introduced Flutter, a framework for building mobile apps. As a result of its exceptional features and capabilities, it has become quite popular among developers. With Flutter, programmers can create native-looking, fast apps for the web, iOS, and Android. 

Its extensive library of widgets and usage of the Dart programming language facilitates the creation of highly modifiable user interfaces. Among the top frameworks, this one is ideal for making apps for the iPhone.

Key Features:

  • Multiple Platforms;

  • Visuals that are both interesting and appealing;

  • Performance that's pretty close to a native platform;

  • Delivers Complete Native Performance;

  • Adaptable User Interface (UI);

  • Gives Robust Widget Assistance;

  • Provides Integrated Material Design;

  • Quick Development of Applications.

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One well-liked framework for creating cross-platform apps is Xamarin. It works with Windows, iOS, and Android. Utilizing the C# programming language, it is owned by Microsoft. Xamarin is an economical choice for companies since it enables developers to compose code once and utilize it across several platforms.

Plus, it comes with a plethora of frameworks and tools that developers can use to build efficient programs with ease. That being said, this framework could be perfect for you regardless of whether you want to build an app for iOS or another platform!

Key Features:

  • Fast progress;

  • Touch and appearance of the native app;

  • Compatibility with many devices;

  • Large developer community of 1.4 million;

  • Native API/UI support;

  • Easy API Integration for all platforms;

  • Cost-effective, faster development.


The ultimate foundation for creating Android apps is here once again. Businesses may build apps with Swiftic, a platform for mobile app creation that doesn't require any coding skills.

With its extensive library of pre-made templates and intuitive drag-and-drop interface, it empowers enterprises to build apps with ease and speed. If your company wants to reach customers on both the Android and iOS platforms, Swiftic is a great choice.

Key Features:

  • 30-day money-back guarantees;

  • Easy navigation and interaction;

  • Strong party integration.

Swiftic mobile app development frameworks
Swiftic (Source: Internet)


Using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Ionic is a well-liked framework for building mobile apps. Developers may create web apps that run natively on Android and iOS, as well as progressive web apps.

Ionic simplifies the process of building fast and high-quality apps by providing developers with a large library of user interface components and plugins. It also facilitates the incorporation of many frameworks and libraries.

Key Features:

  • Faster Application Development;

  • Availability of Cordova Plugins;

  • Built-in UI components;

  • Platform Independent;

  • Based on AngularJS.

Mobile Angular UI

Mobile Angular UI is an open-source framework that combines Bootstrap with Angular. Overlays, switches, sidebars, navbars, scrollable regions, and more are available in the framework to create strong and beautiful application user interfaces. For rich experiences, Mobile Angular UI supports fastclick.js and overthrow.js. 

Additionally, Mobile Angular UI provides cross-browser compatibility to automatically handle JavaScript code for each browser. Below are some of Mobile Angular UI's main advantages for mobile app development:

Key Features:

  • The responsive framework has interactive parts;

  • Lightweight;

  • Doesn't need jQuery;

  • It is easier to switch from an online or PC app to a mobile app.

Native Scripts

Developers may create native apps with Native Scripts, an open-source framework for mobile application development, by utilizing web technologies like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Many other systems are compatible with it, including iOS and Android.

Developers can easily construct high-quality and efficient apps using Native Scripts' vast choice of UI components and plugins. It also facilitates the incorporation of many frameworks and libraries.

Key Features:

  • Cross-Platform Development;

  • Direct Android/iOS API Access;

  • Natural Performance;

  • Code Reuse; 

  • Strong Backend Support.

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile is a well-liked framework for building mobile applications with support for web technologies including JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. The framework is lightweight and provides a large selection of user interface components, allowing developers to easily design programs that are both high-quality and efficient. jQuery Mobile is a great tool for web developers who wish to create apps that work on several platforms.

Key Features:

  • Various Platforms;

  • Devices supported by the responsive framework;

  • Small and Lightweight;

  • Numerous Plugin Add-ons;

  • Robust Theming Structure.

Framework 7

Framework7 is an open-source framework for native mobile, desktop, and online app development. The framework supports Vue.js and React components for app development and lets you use your preferred HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tools. Additionally, Framework7 offers several UI components and widgets including action sheets, side panels, list views, form elements, and more to simplify development. 

Key Features:

  • Simpler Personalisation;

  • Offering a Variety of UI Components and Widgets;

  • Combined with Other Instruments such as NW.js & Electron;

  • Thriving Ecosystem;

  • Simpleness of Upkeep.

framework 7 mobile app development frameworks
Framework 7 (Source: Internet)

Apache Cordova

Popular among developers, Apache Cordova (formerly known as PhoneGap) is a framework for creating apps. This framework allows developers to create mobile apps with CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript, and it works on several platforms. 

With the help of the Cordova plugins, developers can create an experience that feels as natural as possible on mobile devices by making use of the camera, GPS, and accelerometer. Faster production with a single code base and an external application management tool are two of Apache Cordova's most notable features.

Key Features:

  • Code from one source;

  • Streamlining development;

  • Third-party app management.

Sencha Ext JS

Sencha cross-platform mobile app development framework Ext JS. Sencha was integrated with Ext JS to become Sencha Ext JS. Jack Slocum created it as a YUI library attachment. You may use this JavaScript framework to create data-intensive web and mobile apps. Over 115 efficient UI components are pre-integrated in Ext JS. HTML5 calendar, pivot grid, grids, trees, D3 adaptor, toolbars, windows, panels, and more. Sencha includes hundreds of user add-ons. Sencha also styles components with themes.

Changing a theme requires changing CSS and Script. Sencha CMD may require an application rebuild. Modern and traditional Ext JS toolkits exist. In addition to themes, they have different APIs.

Key Features: 

  • It is possible to manage millions of data points;

  • Strong analytics on data;

  • Flexible floor plan;

  • Display of data graphically;

  • Comprehensive data-driven document suite.

Appcelerator Titanium

Titanium, developed by Appcelerator Inc., is an open-source framework for building cross-platform mobile apps. The framework uses a Javascript-based SDK with over 5000 APIs for Windows, HTML5, iOS, and Android, allowing up to 90% code reuse for multi-platform application development. The framework also includes UI components for rich user experiences.

Key Features:

  • Multiple API Management Features;

  • Works with a variety of systems;

  • Streamlined API Integration;

  • Improved Code Reusability;

  • Streamlined Development Timeframe.


It is possible to construct games and applications using Corona, which is a development framework that is both open-source and compatible with several platforms. Additionally, it is referred to as the 2D game engine. 

You may create applications for mobile devices as well as desktop computers with Corona. The iPhone, iPad, tablets, Amazon Fire, Android phones, Mac Desktop, Windows Desktop, and other personal computers are all supported by this platform.  There is also the possibility of developing applications that are compatible with Fire TV, Apple TV, and Android TV.

Key Features:

  • Lua-based platform, strong and lightweight game scripting language;

  • Multiple plugins for all needs;

  • API compatibility with any native library;

  • Accelerated development;

  • Over 500,000 Corona developers.

Adobe PhoneGap

With the PhoneGap technology for making mobile apps, people can see changes right away. It's also a cross-platform framework for development that lets app makers use JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS to make apps. This is why it's one of the first picks for developers who want to make hybrid apps.

When apps are made with Adobe PhoneGap, they not only work well, but they also let mobile app makers make apps that don't have any hardware restrictions. It is one of the mobile application frameworks that can make strong apps for Windows, BlackBerry, Mac OS, Ubuntu, and Firefox, as well as the standard Android and iOS platforms.  Additionally, developers can make it more useful by adding plugins that work with this system.

Key Features:

  • Developers can use JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS to make hybrid apps;

  • Create strong apps for both iOS and Android platforms;

  • Do not be restricted by hardware restrictions.

adobe phonegap mobile app development frameworks
Adobe PhoneGap (Source: Internet)

Intel XDK

Intel XDK is a cross-platform app development framework for all app stores. You may design plugin-based, responsive, interactive, and online services for every device. This top mobile app framework lets developers build, test, emulate, debug, and deploy apps. IoT app software support is now available thanks to framework improvements.

Intel XDK is an app development framework that previews changes as you make them. Another fast way to construct apps is to drag & drop, however it generates superfluous code.

Key Features:

  • Applied to all app shops;

  • Create plugin-based, responsive, interactive, and online services for all devices; 

  • Let developers build, test, mimic, debug, and deploy programs.

>> Read more: 


Mobile app development frameworks ease app development and enable large-scale innovation. Developers have several alternatives for designing cross-platform mobile apps.

These are some important mobile development app frameworks you may choose from based on your demands and technology. Relia Software, one of the professional agencies in mobile app development,  prioritizes user experience-driven innovation and portable software design. We provide scalable, resilient, and user-friendly MVPs for startups and bespoke IT solutions for enterprises.  

Specify your app ideas, and contact us!

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