Top 12 No-code App Builders for Businesses in 2024

12 leading no-code app builders for businesses are Softr, Bubble, AppSheet, Creatio, Thunkable, QuickBase, Betty Blocks, Draftbit, Zapier Interfaces, Bildr, etc.

no code app builders

No-code app builders enable businesses to democratize application development by allowing everyone to develop and launch functional apps without the need for high-paid developers or extensive coding knowledge. These tools, also known as citizen development platforms, are ideal for developing internal tools that will streamline workflows, increase efficiency, and boost productivity.

This article will cover the topic of no-code app builders including definitions, benefits, considerations when choosing, top no-code app builders, and some requirements for using these apps efficiently.

What are No-Code App Builders?

No-code app builders are platforms that eliminate the requirement of programming languages in app development by containing the code within the platform itself. To create interactive applications, users use pre-built components and templates that are accessible via intuitive visual interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality

While no-code app builders are distinct, some low-code development platforms may necessitate some basic programming knowledge. They can be an excellent choice for users who want more control over the development process.

no code app builder definition

12 Leading No-Code App Builders for Business in 2023



Free plan for basic use

Paid plans with $29 per month



Simple - Moderately complex mobile apps

Softr is a simple no-code app builder that transforms existing Airtable bases into beautiful, functional mobile applications without coding knowledge.

This app lets you build applications without writing a single line of code. These can range from simple websites or mobile apps and landing pages to e-commerce storefronts that accept payments, membership portals for gated content, and resource management systems for internal workflows.

Key Features: 

  • Drag-and-drop interface for easy visual development
  • Integration with Airtable for data management
  • Real-time data synchronization
  • Mobile-responsive design to ensure a great user experience on any device
  • Payment gateways, user authentication, and role-based access control for managing different user types.


  • Well-suited for building data-driven mobile apps. 
  • Affordable pricing makes it a cost-effective option for individuals and startups.
  • Leveraging the robust features of Airtable for data management 
  • Easily visualize data within your web app using pre-built components 
  • Building applications that require frequent data updates, such as membership communities or online marketplaces.




Free plan for the experiment 

Paid plans start at $32/month



Building landing pages

Complex web & mobile apps

Bubble is a powerful no-code platform that offers a visual development environment, allowing users to create complex mobile and web applications without writing code.

Key Features: 

  • Extensive library of pre-built elements 
  • Robust functionalities for managing data workflows, 
  • Built-in user authentication for secure access control
  • Ability to integrate custom plugins for unique features.


  • Highly customizable, allowing you to create applications with distinctive features and functionality. 
  • Scalable to handle the demands of complex applications. 
  • Large and active community for support and learning resources.

Applicants: A great choice for businesses and entrepreneurs seeking to develop sophisticated applications without coding expertise.




$5 per user per month



Data-driven mobile apps including:

  • Data collection

  • Task management

  • Field service management

  • Leveraging existing spreadsheet data

AppSheet is an exclusive no-code platform that transforms spreadsheets (such as Google Sheets or Excel) into functional mobile applications without requiring coding knowledge.

AppSheet works with various data sources, including Google Sheets, Forms, and popular services such as Dropbox, Office 365, and Salesforce. Users connect to their selected data source and then use the visual editor to create the app's user interface, define workflows, and automate processes.

Key Features: 

  • Integrating with popular spreadsheet applications such as Google Sheets, Excel, etc.
  • Offering a familiar drag-and-drop interface for intuitive development. 
  • Empowering users to build apps with offline functionality.
  • Real-time data updates for consistent information access.


  • Quickly developing simple to moderately complex mobile apps. 
  • Breeze for users comfortable with spreadsheets through the intuitive interface.
  • Integrate effortlessly with existing data sources housed in your spreadsheets.

Applicants: Businesses' internal use cases, such as CRMs, project management tools, or custom data visualization dashboards.




$25 per user per month



Manage marketing, sales, and customer service operations

Studio Creatio is a powerful no-code platform for automating tasks and developing complex business applications. It combines drag-and-drop development with advanced features such as business process automation (BPA) and machine learning (ML) models for data-driven decision-making. This allows users to create custom applications and workflows, and even use AI to improve efficiency without writing code.

Key Features: 

  • Marketing automation tools to nurture leads and automate campaigns, 
  • Sales pipeline management functionalities to visualize and manage sales opportunities, 
  • Built-in customer service portal for centralized communication, 
  • Comprehensive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to manage customer interactions and data.


  • Composable architecture allows users to build applications with modular components.
  • Rich integrations with various external systems and services via API integrations using protocols like .NET tools, REST, SOAP, OData, and OpenAPI.
  • Rapid application development through Creatio's Application Hub with pre-built components and functionalities.
  • Robust no-code designer environment for building user interfaces, data models, workflows, and integrations. 
  • Prioritizing enterprise scalability with robust security features.

Applicants: Large organizations and enterprises that want to create complex internal applications, and automate workflows. It can also be useful in a variety of industries, particularly for businesses that value customer experience and operational efficiency.




$16 - $45 per month



Simple - Moderately complex native mobile apps for iOS and Android devices

Thunkable allows users to create native mobile apps for iOS and Android without writing code. It uses a drag-and-drop interface and a visual programming approach, making it suitable for users with no prior coding experience. Unlike other web app-focused options, Thunkable provides complete creative flexibility via a large library of components.

Key Features: 

  • Native app development capabilities, allowing you to create high-performance mobile apps for both iOS and Android users. 
  • Offline functionality, ensuring your app remains usable even without an internet connection. 
  • Monetization options through in-app purchases and subscriptions, enable you to generate revenue from your app.
  • Advanced logic modules to control app behavior based on user interactions. 


  • Great choice for building visually appealing and user-friendly mobile apps with a focus on user experience (UX). 
  • Ideal for prototyping app ideas before full-scale development. 
  • Seamlessly integrates with popular APIs, extending app functionality and data access.

Applicants: Thunkable supports businesses and individuals who want to build native mobile apps without coding while maintaining a high level of design control and native app store presence.


>> Read more: What is The Difference Between Native and Hybrid App?



Based on your specific requirements



Automate internal workflows

Streamline data management

Build secure custom applications

Quickbase is a secure and scalable low-code development platform that helps businesses to create custom applications based on their specific requirements. It enables users to create feature-rich applications capable of processing large amounts of real-time business data. Quickbase's user-friendly drag-and-drop interface eliminates the need for extensive coding expertise.

Key Features: 

  • Database management tools for organizing and storing business data. 
  • Ability to create custom forms for data collection.
  • Customizable reports for data analysis.
  • Powerful automation engine to automate repetitive tasks and workflows.


  • Strength and flexibility in building scalable applications with the ability to handle complex configurations and data management needs.
  • Enterprise-grade security to ensure data privacy and application integrity.
  • Best suited for enterprise-level applications.

Applicants:  Large organizations and established businesses that need high-performance, secure internal applications to manage complex workflows and data in data-driven industries like finance, healthcare, and manufacturing.


Betty Blocks





User-friendly design & Simple - Moderately complex app 

Betty Blocks is an easy-to-use no-code platform for developing modern web applications with a visual focus. Its simple drag-and-drop interface and pre-built components make it ideal for beginners or those with little coding experience looking to streamline UI development and integrate seamlessly with a variety of external tools and services such as Slack, Trello, and Google Maps.

Key Features: 

  • Drag-and-drop interface for effortless development, 
  • A library of pre-built components to jumpstart your application, 
  • Database integrations for data management,
  • Responsive design capabilities to ensure your app looks great on any device.
  • Single sign-on (SSO) for a more streamlined user experience.
  • Version control to enable users to track changes, revert to previous versions if needed, and collaborate effectively on app development.


  • Prioritizes robust security features to ensure the safety and reliability of your internal applications.
  • Pre-built API blocks facilitate effortless integration with popular business tools and platforms, fostering a more connected work environment.

Betty Blocks






Simple - Moderately complex native mobile apps for iOS and Android

Draftbit allows users to create high-performance native mobile apps for iOS and Android without writing code. Its simple drag-and-drop interface and extensive library of pre-built UI components speed up the development process by allowing you to visually design your app's user interface.

Key Features: 

  • Native app development capabilities, enabling you to create feature-rich mobile apps for both iOS and Android users. 
  • Drag-and-drop interface for easy development.
  • A vast collection of pre-built UI components to streamline the design process.
  • Integrations with various APIs to extend app functionality and data access.


  • Easily visually appealing and user-friendly native mobile apps with a focus on user experience (UX). 
  • Suitable for users with no prior coding experience. 
  • Smooth user experience even without an internet connection.

Applicants: Entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses prioritizing user experience and visually-driven development, with the ability to leverage APIs for enhanced app functionality.


Zapier Interfaces





Internal dashboards

Customer-facing interfaces for interacting 

Zapier Interfaces is a distinctive no-code tool that allows advanced Zapier users to create custom user interfaces for their existing Zapier automation. This enables you to visually design an interface that interacts with your automation, thus enhancing the user experience.

Key Features: 

  • Zapier Interfaces seamlessly connect to your existing Zapier automation. 
  • Drag-and-drop interface for visually building user interfaces, enabling you to design an intuitive interface.


  • Empowering users to extend the functionality by creating customizable user interfaces. 
  • Improving the user experience by providing a dedicated interface for interacting with your automation.







Complex web application development

Bildr is a powerful no-code platform for developing complex web applications. It provides a flexible visual development environment that allows users to visually design and customize their applications without having to write code. Bildr caters to experienced users who are comfortable with a high level of customization, but it also offers a gentle learning curve for those new to no-code development.

Key Features: 

  • A flexible visual development environment for drag-and-drop customization. 
  • Extensive customization options for tailored functionalities.
  • Serverless functions to integrate advanced logic without server management.
  • Database integrations for data storage and management.


  • Able to build highly customizable & complex web applications. 
  • Allow for the integration of advanced features without the burden of server maintenance. 
  • Seamlessly integrates with various databases, ensuring efficient data management for your web application.

Use Cases: Bildr can be used to build various complex web applications, such as:

  • Custom content management systems (CMS)
  • E-commerce platforms with intricate product features and functionalities
  • Data-driven dashboards and reporting applications
  • Complex user portals with personalized experiences







Mobile app development 

Front-end development

Backendless is a Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) platform that streamlines mobile app development by providing a strong back-end infrastructure. This eliminates the need for mobile app developers to build and manage complex back-end systems from the start, allowing them to concentrate on front-end development and app features. Backendless uses a no-code approach for core functionalities, but there may be a learning curve for those unfamiliar with mobile app development.

Key Features: 

  • API management for creating and managing APIs that connect your app's front-end to back-end functionalities 
  • User authentication for secure user login and management 
  • Data storage for storing and managing your app's data in the cloud
  • Cloud functions for integrating custom logic without server management. 
  • Integrates with various popular mobile app development tools for a seamless development workflow.


  • Build and deploy mobile apps faster by offloading back-end complexities. 
  • Simplifies back-end development, reduces development time, and allows developers to focus on creating exceptional user experiences.

Applicants: Mobile app developers of all experience levels seeking a solution to manage back-end functionalities without building custom infrastructure. 







Simple - Moderately complex cross-platform mobile apps on both iOS and Android

FlutterFlow is a unique no-code platform for developing cross-platform mobile apps that work seamlessly across iOS and Android devices. It uses the Flutter app development framework, which is known for its high-performance capabilities, to speed up the development process. 

FlutterFlow is a visual development environment that includes a drag-and-drop interface and a library of pre-built UI widgets. It allows users to visually design and develop mobile apps without writing code. While FlutterFlow provides a no-code approach, it may have a steeper learning curve than other no-code builders due to the underlying Flutter development technology.

Key Features: 

  • Able to develop for iOS and Android simultaneously, 
  • Drag-and-drop interface for easy visual development, 
  • A vast collection of pre-built UI widgets to streamline the design process
  • Seamless integration with Firebase to simplify data storage, user authentication, and other back-end functionalities for your mobile app.


  • Efficiency and speed in building cross-platform mobile apps
  • High-performance apps function flawlessly on both iOS and Android devices. 
  • Visually-driven development environment, making it accessible to users with no prior coding experience.

Applicants: Entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses are prioritizing development speed and high-performance apps, with the benefit of a visual development environment. 

Flutter Flow

How To Choose The Right No-Code App Builders?

Defining Project Needs

Understanding your project's goals underpins your selection process. Let's consider:

  • What problem does your app solve or what value will it provide?
  • For whom are you building this app? Tailoring features requires knowing your target users' needs.
  • Does your app have simple features or complex workflows?
  • Consider your app's user base and data volume changing over time.

Matching Builder Capabilities

No-code app builders have many features. How to ensure the platform meets your needs:

  • Feature Set: Match project needs builder capabilities. Look for user interface design tools, data storage, user management, and external service integrations.
  • Learning Curve: How user-friendly is the platform? Consider your technical knowledge and visual development interface comfort.
  • Scalability: Can the platform handle your app's user and data growth? Find builders with scalable architectures.

Pricing Models

No-code app builders offer flexible pricing for diverse project needs such as:

  • Free Plans: Most builders offer platform trial plans. Test the interface and suitability with these.
  • Paid Plans: These unlock extra features, storage, and functions. Select a plan that fits your project's needs and budget.
  • Scalable pricing: Find pricing that grows with your app. Some builders charge by API calls or active users.

Additional Features

  • Community and Support: Development benefits from a strong community and reliable support. Search for forums, tutorials, and customer support.
  • Security and Data Management: Prioritise secure platforms to protect user data. Learn their data storage and compliance certifications.


This guide has provided you with valuable information about the top no-code app builders, including their strengths, functionalities, and ideal use cases. By now, you should have a good idea of which platform is best suited to your project requirements.

Remember that most no-code platforms provide free plans or freemium models, allowing you to test and improve your skills before committing to a paid plan. Use these free resources to experiment with different platforms and determine which one best suits your project's complexity.

>>> Follow and Contact Relia Software for more information!

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