7 Ways DevOps Speeds Up the Digital Transformation

Relia Software

Relia Software

Quoc Bao

Relia Software

Software Development

7 ways that DevOps can speed up digital transformation are reduced risk, increased stability, better scalability of products, stabilized workflow, etc.

7 ways devops accelerate digital transformation

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Customers want better quality software with the newest features all the time, and DevOps is a good way to keep up with that. The size of the DevOps market around the world will hit $8.7 billion in 2022. The market is expected to grow at a rate of 24.5% per year from 2023 to 2028, according to IMARC Group. It will reach US$ 32.7 billion by 2028.

DevOps is a key part of digital change, which is not a secret. Professionals say it's hard to have one without the other. Let's find out ways that DevOps can accelerate digital transformation in this blog. 

how to start with devops
How to start with DevOps? (Source: Internet)

How To Start With DevOps?

It can be hard to start DevOps in a current business because of the changes in culture and technology.

First, you need to make sure that everyone is responsible for their own actions. Getting rid of walls between business and development is what it means. Each group should learn more about what the other group does and how they can best help it run its work. The difference between the developer and operations teams is less clear in a DevOps culture, and it may finally be impossible to tell them apart.

You also need to give your teams more power. It means moving away from the standard leadership and management structure of companies and toward teams that can run themselves. You should work on making a society where people trust each other.

Other than that, failure is seen as a way to learn, not as something that needs to be punished.

Approach DevOps from Business Perspective

DevOps is commonly used to solve technical problems like too many modifications to software causing outages or incompatible tools impeding the release cycle. Never treat DevOps as a solution. DevOps cannot be purchased by the kilo or implemented as a “project.” It's a process and should focus on business objectives, not technology and tools.

If you perceive DevOps as a technique to boost automation, you'll make different implementation decisions than if you focus on tool integration. However, if you see DevOps as a way to accelerate innovation, increase market capitalization, or achieve differentiation in the marketplace through near-instant software change-and-deployment cycles, you will see the larger context of people, processes, and technology.

You'll make better DevOps journey decisions if you consider it as a way to expedite digital transformation.

The proper use of tools can significantly reduce change-related software disruptions and address various technical difficulties. Your DevOps initiative—and digital transformation—will likely succeed if you focus on business outcomes rather than IT tools.

Devops speed up digital transformation
7 Ways DevOps Accelerate Digital Transformation (Source: Internet)

7 Ways DevOps Helps to Accelerate Digital Transformation

Faster Time to Market

DevOps streamlines creation, evaluation, and deployment to speed time to market. Today's digital economy requires firms to quickly adapt to shifting client needs and market situations.

CI/CD technology lets companies swiftly test and deploy new software and features without service disruptions. Thus, firms may launch new products and services faster, which is crucial in the digital economy, where customers have more choices and fewer time spans.


Breaking silos and encouraging cooperation and shared accountability between the operations and development teams is the goal of DevOps. CI/CD helps teams in development and operations produce software products and services faster.

Improved communication and collaboration between both the development and operations teams help them discover and resolve issues faster, increasing agility and flexibility. Since firms can recognize and implement changes faster, they can pivot and adapt to new technology and business models.

Reduced Risk & Increased Stability

Automating and simplifying software development with DevOps reduces risk and increases stability. Development teams can test and find bugs by integrating code changes into a shared repository numerous times a day using CI. This method eliminates errors and increases program stability. 

Development teams can swiftly distribute new software and features to clients via CD. Automating deployment lets companies install new software and features safely and predictably, eliminating service disruptions.

CI/CD procedures let companies swiftly test and deliver new software and features without service disruptions. DevOps approaches also use monitoring, testing, and continuous feedback to spot issues early and respond rapidly, decreasing risk and enhancing stability.

>> Read more: DevSecOps: Integrating Security into DevOps for Enhanced Software Development

Better Scalability of Products

DevOps aligns development and operations with corporate goals to assure consumer value in software development. Since development teams can prioritize and deploy features that will have the largest impact on the business and its consumers, software products and services are more scalable and reliable.

DevOps encourages automation and monitoring to make software products and services stable and scalable. By automating mundane chores, development teams may focus on new features and functionality, and operations teams on product stability and performance.

Higher Quality & Bug-Free Products

Testing and monitoring are essential DevOps techniques for product quality and problem reduction. DevOps relies on testing, which is incorporated into the development workflow through CI/CD. 

Thus, code updates are checked automatically and continuously, detecting issues early and reducing errors. DevOps also promotes automated testing, which speeds up testing and ensures software quality.

>> Read more: 

DevOps also monitors software goods and services to ensure reliability and stability. Continuous tracking and evaluation as code lets companies track and measure software product and service performance to detect and fix issues faster.

By testing and monitoring, DevOps helps firms find and fix issues before they become major issues, resulting in higher-quality products and fewer bugs.

DevOps encourages frequent input from customers and end-users to help the operations and development groups improve. This improves product and service quality.

Stabilized Workflow

DevOps promotes automation, testing, and monitoring throughout the software development process to ensure reliable and stable products and services.

DevOps also encourages metrics and data-driven decision-making, which helps development and operations teams evaluate their software products and services and make decisions that increase stability and reliability.

Automated Infrastructure Management

DevOps can automate IT infrastructure provisioning, configuration, and management with tools and methods.

DevOps uses infrastructure as code to automate infrastructure management. IAC lets enterprises design their IT architecture in version-controlled, automated code. This makes infrastructure provisioning, configuration, and management consistent and repeatable, reducing errors and improving infrastructure stability.

DevOps infrastructure management is automated with configuration management tools. These technologies automate server provisioning, network settings, and software environments for enterprises.

Docker and Kubernetes, which automate infrastructure administration, are also promoted by DevOps. Containerization lets companies bundle their apps and dependencies and execute them across environments. Container orchestration solutions like Kubernetes automate containerized application management and scaling.

>> Read more: CI/CD vs DevOps: Key Differences & How They Work Together?

Tips for Adoption of DevOps Contributing Digital Transformation

Even though DevOps is helpful, it's not as easy to use as it might seem. There are a lot of things to think about for a smooth move. In order to help you with your DevOps change, here are some tips:

Plan the Route

After figuring out where to begin, it's time to set the main goals and exact steps for the DevOps change. Instead of planning the whole process based on "vanity metrics" like the number or quantity of reports given, use metrics that have been shown to work.

Do Not Try To Capture Everything At The Same Time

Understand that switching from the old way of doing things to DevOps takes time and that you can't just make changes right away. Do not be fooled by the automated steps into thinking that the code can handle all of the machinery at once. 

Keep Track of Each Step

To judge the success of DevOps, you need to look at current data from different stages of the software development cycle. The metrics should be measured again after DevOps techniques have been put in place. When evaluating at any point along the way, it helps to compare and contrast what happened before and after.

Tips for DevOps speed up Digital Transformation
Tips for DevOps Accelerate Digital Transformation (Source: Internet)


When businesses use both digital transformation and DevOps together, they can speed up, update, and adopt new techniques and technologies. A successful digital shift includes a change in culture that makes things run more smoothly and faster. DevOps speeds up digital change and cuts down on waste. By the way, DevOps makes employees happier and cuts the cost of making a product.

Here are 7 ways that DevOps accelerates digital transformation. Hope this blog finds you well!

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