We will learn about SOLID principles with a property that is very effective, which is Dependency Inversion Principle in Golang. Then, explore why it is so important for unit testing during the process of working with Go programming language.
What is Dependency Inversion Principle?
The Dependency Inversion Principle states that:
high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
This is a definition of the Dependency Inversion written by Bob Martin, we will rely on it to understand better. First, we all know about the abstraction property in OOP, we will use concepts to uncover the necessary behavior and the hidden details of how to implement them. Second, we need to understand what are the distinctions between high-level and low-level modules?
In the Go context, high-level modules refer to software components that are utilized on top of the application, such as presentation code. Understanding it as a layer that provides real business value to our application.
On the other hand, the majority of low-level software components are little code fragments that support the higher-level software. They keep technical information regarding various infrastructure integrations hidden.
>> Read more:
When We Do Not Comply The Dependency Inversion?
For example, this may be a struct that contains the logic for retrieving data from a database, sending a SQS message, retrieving a value from Redis, or submitting an HTTP request to an external API.
So what happens if we break The Dependency Inversion Principle and our high-level component is reliant on a single low-level component? Let’s consider the following example:
// infrastructure layer
type UserRepository struct {
db *gorm.DB
func NewUserRepository(db *gorm.DB) *UserRepository {
return &UserRepository{
db: db,
func (r *UserRepository) GetByID(id uint) (*domain.User, error) {
user := domain.User{}
err := r.db.Where("id = ?", id).First(&user).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &user, nil
// domain layer
type User struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primaryKey;column:id"`
// some fields
// application layer
type EmailService struct {
repository *infrastructure.UserRepository
// some email sender
func NewEmailService(repository *infrastructure.UserRepository) *EmailService {
return &EmailService{
repository: repository,
func (s *EmailService) SendRegistrationEmail(userID uint) error {
user, err := s.repository.GetByID(userID)
if err != nil {
return err
// send email
return nil
In the above code, the high-level component EmailService
is defined in the preceding code. This structure, which is part of the application layer, is in charge of delivering emails to newly enrolled clients.
The idea is to have a method, SendRegistrationEmail
, where the User
ID is necessary. It retrieves User
from UserRepository
in the background, and then sends it to some EmailSender service
to send the email.
We will ignore EmailSender
for the time being. Let’s focus on UserRepository
. This structure is part of the infrastructure layer and illustrates how the repository connects with the database. So it seems that the high-level component, EmailService
, depends on the low-level component, UserRepository
>> Read more: Go for Web Development: How Top Companies Achieve Powerful Business Results with Golang
Actually, we will not be able to initialize the structure if we do not have a database connection. Going against a pattern like this has an immediate impact on unit testing in Go, as shown in the following code:
import (
// some dependencies
func TestEmailService_SendRegistrationEmail(t *testing.T) {
db, mock, err := sqlmock.New()
assert.NoError(t, err)
dialector := mysql.New(mysql.Config{
DSN: "dummy",
DriverName: "mysql",
Conn: db,
finalDB, err := gorm.Open(dialector, &gorm.Config{})
repository := infrastructure.NewUserRepository(finalDB)
service := NewEmailService(repository)
// a lot of code to define mocked SQL queries
// and then actual test
In Go, we can not just mock whatever we want. Mocking relies on the use of interfaces, which we can declare a mocked implementation for, but we can not do the same with structs. So we can not mock UserRepository
, because it is a struct. In this situation, we will need to develop a lower layer simulation, and we may utilize the SQLMock package for the Gorm connection.
However, it is still not reliable or effective method for testing. We must simulate a large number of SQL queries and comprehend the database schema. We must modify the unit test whenever the database is changed.
On the other side, we will have a bigger difficulty with unit testing. What happens if we switch to a different storage system, such as Cassandra? Specifically, do we intend to have dispersed storage for our customers in the future? If this happens, and we utilize this implementation with ‘UserRepository,’ there will be a lot of refactor code.
We have now seen that it means for a high-level component to rely on a low-level component. But what about abstractions based on details? Take a look at the code below:
// domain layer
type User struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primaryKey;column:id"`
// some fields
type UserRepository interface {
GetByID(id uint) (*User, error)
We should start by developing some interfaces definition with high and low-level components. In this case, we may define UserRepository
as a domain layer interface. So, it gives an opportunity to detach EmailService
from the database, but still incomplete.
Let’s take a look at the User
struct. It provides a definition for mapping to the database. Even though the struct is already in the domain class, the infrastructure details are still its responsibility.
We still break The Dependency Inversion with the new UserRepository
(abstraction) interface, which is dependent on the User
struct with database schema (details). That interface will undoubtedly change if the database schema is changed. The User
struct will remain useable, but the modifications made at the low-level will be preserved.
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We gain nothing out of this refactoring in the end, we are still incorrect. With several consequences:
We can not correctly test our business or application logic.
Any change to the database engine or table structure affects our highest levels.
We can not easily switch to a different type of storage.
Our model is strongly coupled to storage.
Ways to Respect The Inversion of Dependency
high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
Based on the sentences in bold, we will need to build an abstraction (an interface) that both our EmailService
and UserRepository
components will rely on. Furthermore, no method (e.g Gorm) should be used in such abstraction.Let’s take a look at the code below:
// infrastructure layer
type UserGorm struct {
// some fields
func (g UserGorm) ToUser() *domain.User {
return &domain.User{
// some fields
type UserDatabaseRepository struct {
db *gorm.DB
var _ domain.UserRepository = &UserDatabaseRepository{}
type UserRedisRepository struct {
type UserCassandraRepository struct {
func NewUserDatabaseRepository(db *gorm.DB) UserRepository {
return &UserDatabaseRepository{
db: db,
func (r *UserDatabaseRepository) GetByID(id uint) (*domain.User, error) {
user := UserGorm{}
err := r.db.Where("id = ?", id).First(&user).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return user.ToUser(), nil
// domain layer
type User struct {
// some fields
type UserRepository interface {
GetByID(id uint) (*User, error)
// application layer
type EmailService struct {
repository domain.UserRepository
// some email sender
func NewEmailService(repository domain.UserRepository) *EmailService {
return &EmailService{
repository: repository,
func (s *EmailService) SendRegistrationEmail(userID uint) error {
user, err := s.repository.GetByID(userID)
if err != nil {
return err
// send email
return nil
With the new structure of the code, we can see the UserRepository
interface as an inversion dependency on the User
struct, and both are in the domain layer. We now use UserGorm
instead of the User
struct, which no longer mirrors the database schema.
The infrastructure layer lies on top of that layer. it has a ToUser
function that corresponds to the User
struct. We use UserGorm
as a usage detail inside UserDatabaseRepository
, as the actual implementation for UserRepository
Only the UserRepository
interface and the User
object, both of which are in the domain, are used inside the domain and application classes. We may specify as many UserRepository
implementations as we like in the infrastructure.
or UserCassandraRepository
are two options. The high-level component (EmailService
) depends on the abstraction - it contains a field with type UserRepository
. However, how does the low-level component depends on the abstraction?
In Go, structs automatically implement interfaces. That implies we may add a check using a blank identifier instead of adding code where UserDatabaseRepository
explicitly implements UserRepository
. With this approach, we can control dependencies more easily.
Interfaces are dependent on structure, and we may build alternative implementations and include them anytime we want to witness global dependence changes. This is a popular method in any frame work, and it is called The Dependency Injection pattern.
There are various libraries in Go, such as from Facebook, Wire, hoặc Dingo. Let’s see how it is used in unit testing :
import (
type GetByIDFunc func(id uint) (*User, error)
func (f GetByIDFunc) GetByID(id uint) (*User, error) {
return f(id)
func TestEmailService_SendRegistrationEmail(t *testing.T) {
service := NewEmailService(GetByIDFunc(func(id uint) (*User, error) {
return nil, errors.New("error")
// and just to call the service
We may add some basic simulation, GetByIDFunc
, as a new type that defines the method from UserRepository
where we want to simulate, with this refactoring. This is how you build a function type in Go and give it a method to implement an interface.
Our checking will be much more beautiful and efficient from now on. Whatever the situation, we may add alternative implementations for UserRepository
and customize the check result.
>> Read more:
- Practical SOLID in Golang: Open/Closed Principle
- Practical SOLID in Golang: Single Responsibility Principle
- Mastering The Interface Segregation Principle in Golang
- Mastering the Liskov Substitution Principle in Golang
More Examples About Dependency Inversion in Go
The Dependency Inversion can be broken in other components besides struct. With a pure, independent function, for example, this is conceivable:
type User struct {
// some fields
type UserJSON struct {
// some fields
func (j UserJSON) ToUser() *User {
return &User{
// some fields
func GetUser(id uint) (*User, error) {
filename := fmt.Sprintf("user_%d.json", id)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var user UserJSON
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &user)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return user.ToUser(), nil
We need to read information for a User
. We employ files and JSON format to do this. GetUser
reads the contents of the file and converts them into a User
. This approach is dependent on the existence of files, and we must rely on files to verify that it is right.
As a result, writing tests for this function, such as checking validation rules,is inconvenient if we subsequently add them to the GetUser
method. The code depends on too many details, and it would be nice to create some abstractions:
type User struct {
// some fields
type UserJSON struct {
// some fields
func (j UserJSON) ToUser() *User {
return &User{
// some fields
func GetUserFile(id uint) (io.Reader, error) {
filename := fmt.Sprintf("user_%d.json", id)
file, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return file, nil
func GetUserHTTP(id uint) (io.Reader, error) {
uri := fmt.Sprintf("http://some-api.com/users/%d", id)
resp, err := http.Get(uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.Body, nil
func GetDummyUser(userJSON UserJSON) (io.Reader, error) {
data, err := json.Marshal(userJSON)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return bytes.NewReader(data), nil
func GetUser(reader io.Reader) (*User, error) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var user UserJSON
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &user)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return user.ToUser(), nil
With the new implementation, we build the GetUser
function based on the Reader
interface. It is a component of the Go core package , IO. We can define various ways to provide implementation for Reader
interface, like GetUserFile
, GetUserHTTP
, GetDummyUser
(where we can use to test GetUser' method
This method may be used in a variety of situations. We should strive to separate it if we have problems with unit testing or even experience with a dependency inversion cycle in Go by giving the same interface and many implementations as we do.
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The Dependency Inversion Principle is the final principle of SOLID
, and it represents the letter D
in the word SOLID
. It highlights the importance of high-level components not relying on low-level components. Instead, all of our components should rely on abstractions, or interface, as the case may be. Abstractions allow us to utilize our code more freely while still ensuring that it is fully tested.
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- golang