[Hands-on Guide] How to Implement Clean Architecture in Golang?

Learn how to implement Clean Architecture in Golang by breaking down each layer—Entities, Use Cases, Interface Adapters, and Frameworks—using practical code examples.

How to Implement Clean Architecture in Golang? Code Examples

In the world of Golang development, Clean Architecture offers a powerful way to structure applications, ensuring that business logic remains independent from external factors like frameworks, user interfaces, and databases. Golang's simplicity and strong typing, combined with its built-in support for interfaces, make it an ideal language to implement Clean Architecture principles. 

This article will guide you through implementing Clean Architecture specifically in a Golang application through practical examples, demonstrating how this approach enhances testability and maintainability.

>> Read more:

Why Use Clean Architecture in Golang?

Clean Architecture is a powerful approach for building maintainable, scalable systems, and when paired with Golang’s unique features, it offers several compelling advantages:

  • Simplicity: Golang’s minimalist syntax makes it easier to implement the clear separation of concerns that Clean Architecture promotes, ensuring maintainable and readable code.
  • Interfaces for Flexibility: Golang’s strong typing and interface system allow for flexible, decoupled layers, making it easy to swap out components like databases without affecting core logic.
  • Concurrency: Golang's built-in concurrency with goroutines and channels enables scalable performance, with Clean Architecture helping to isolate and manage these tasks effectively.
  • Testability: Clean Architecture’s structure, combined with Golang’s lightweight testing framework, enables easy unit testing of isolated business logic, ensuring better test coverage and more reliable code.
  • Maintainability: Decoupling layers ensures easier updates, extensions, and refactoring, making Golang applications more maintainable as they grow.

Key Layers of Clean Architecture in Golang


Entities represent the core business objects and rules. They are the most abstract layer, containing the critical domain logic that remains independent of external frameworks. In Golang, entities are often defined using structs, encapsulating essential data and behaviors that are reusable across different use cases.

Example: A User struct representing the user data and domain-specific behavior, such as validating input or processing changes, without any reliance on external systems.

Use Cases

Use Cases contain the application-specific business logic, orchestrating the flow of data between entities and the outside world. In Golang, they interact with entities to handle operations like CRUD actions or business processes. The use cases are responsible for implementing what needs to happen in response to user actions, remaining independent of the UI and databases, which makes them easy to test.

Example: A UserService that handles user registration or authentication by interacting with entities and repositories.

Interface Adapters

Interface Adapters act as intermediaries between use cases and external systems, converting data into formats needed by external interfaces like databases or APIs. In Golang, this layer often includes repositories (for data access) and controllers (for HTTP handling). This layer decouples the core logic from external services and technologies.

Example: A repository interface that abstracts the database logic, ensuring that the database can be swapped out without modifying the business logic.

Frameworks and Drivers

Frameworks and Drivers include the external dependencies such as web frameworks (like GIN-GONIC) and databases (such as GORM). This layer is where input/output operations take place, such as handling HTTP requests or interacting with a database, but it is kept separate from the core business logic to maintain flexibility.

Example: A handler that uses GIN to parse incoming requests and forwards them to the use cases for processing.

Project Structure for Clean Architecture in Golang

A clear project structure is crucial for code maintainability and scalability. By following Clean Architecture, each layer of the application is separated with clear responsibilities, reducing dependencies and making testing and modification easier.

Below is an example of a Clean Architecture Project Structure in Golang

├── /cmd
│   └── /app
│       └── main.go
├── /pkg
│   ├── /entities
│   │   └── user.go
│   ├── /usecases
│   │   └── user_usecase.go
│   ├── /adapters
│   │   ├── /controllers
│   │   │   └── user_controller.go
│   │   ├── /repositories
│   │   │   └── user_repository.go
│   │   └── /presenters
│   │       └── user_presenter.go
│   ├── /frameworks
│   │   ├── /db
│   │   │   └── db.go
│   │   └── /web
│   │       └── server.go
├── /configs
│   └── config.yaml
├── /internal
│   ├── /middleware
│   │   └── auth_middleware.go
│   └── /utils
│       └── logger.go

Breakdown of the Structure

  • /cmd/app: This directory contains the entry point of the application. The main.go file initializes and starts the application, setting up necessary configurations and dependencies.
  • /pkg: This is the main directory containing the core layers of the application.
    • /entities: Contains the core business objects and rules. For example, user.go defines the User entity.
    • /usecases: Contains application-specific business logic. For example, user_usecase.go defines the use cases related to user operations.
    • /adapters: Contains the interface adapters that bridge the core logic with external systems.
      • /controllers: Handles incoming HTTP requests and invokes the appropriate use cases. For example, user_controller.go.
      • /repositories: Handles data persistence. For example, user_repository.go interacts with the database.
      • /presenters: Formats the output for the client. For example, user_presenter.go.
    • /frameworks: Contains external tools and technologies.
      • /db: Database configuration and connection management. For example, db.go.
      • /web: Web server setup and routing. For example, server.go.
  • /configs: Contains configuration files. For example, config.yaml includes application configurations such as database connection strings, API keys, etc.
  • /internal: Contains internal packages that are not meant to be used by external applications.
    • /middleware: Contains middleware functions for handling cross-cutting concerns. For example, auth_middleware.go.
    • /utils: Contains utility functions. For example, logger.go for logging.

This structure helps enforce separation of concerns, making your Golang project easier to maintain and scale.

Implementing Clean Architecture in Golang with Code Examples

This section focuses on the practical implementation of Clean Architecture layers in Golang and explores how they interact.

// entities/user.go
package entities

type User struct {
    ID       int
    Name     string
    Email    string
    Password string
  • Use Cases Layer: Use cases manage the business logic and operations, interacting with entities and repositories. Example (UserInteractor):
// usecases/user_usecase.go
package usecases

import "example.com/project/entities"

type UserRepository interface {
    CreateUser(user *entities.User) error
    GetUserByID(id int) (*entities.User, error)

type UserInteractor struct {
    UserRepository UserRepository

func (uc *UserInteractor) RegisterUser(name, email, password string) error {
    user := &entities.User{
        Name:     name,
        Email:    email,
        Password: password,
    return uc.UserRepository.CreateUser(user)
  • Interface Adapters Layer: Interface adapters bridge the core business logic with external systems like web services or databases. Example (UserController):
// adapters/controllers/user_controller.go
package controllers

import (


type UserController struct {
    UserInteractor usecases.UserInteractor

func (uc *UserController) RegisterUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    var req struct {
        Name     string `json:"name"`
        Email    string `json:"email"`
        Password string `json:"password"`
    if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&req); err != nil {
        http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)

    err := uc.UserInteractor.RegisterUser(req.Name, req.Email, req.Password)
    if err != nil {
        http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

  • Frameworks and Drivers Layer: This layer deals with external dependencies such as databases and web frameworks. Example (UserRepository):
// adapters/repositories/user_repository.go
package repositories

import (


type UserRepository struct {
    DB *sql.DB

func (repo *UserRepository) CreateUser(user *entities.User) error {
    _, err := repo.DB.Exec("INSERT INTO users (name, email, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", user.Name, user.Email, user.Password)
    return err

func (repo *UserRepository) GetUserByID(id int) (*entities.User, error) {
    row := repo.DB.QueryRow("SELECT id, name, email, password FROM users WHERE id = ?", id)
    user := &entities.User{}
    err := row.Scan(&user.ID, &user.Name, &user.Email, &user.Password)
    return user, err
  • Wiring Everything Together: The main.go file connects all layers and starts the web server. Example (main.go):
// cmd/app/main.go
package main

import (


    _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"

func main() {
    db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@/dbname")
    if err != nil {

    userRepo := &repositories.UserRepository{DB: db}
    userInteractor := usecases.UserInteractor{UserRepository: userRepo}
    userController := controllers.UserController{UserInteractor: userInteractor}

    http.HandleFunc("/register", userController.RegisterUser)

    log.Println("Server started at :8080")
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

Comparison of Clean Architecture with Other Architectures in Golang

PrincipleClean ArchitectureHexagonal ArchitectureOnion Architecture
Core IdeaSeparation of concerns into layersPorts and Adapters patternLayers around the domain model
Independence from FrameworksHighHighHigh
Independence of UIHighHighHigh
Independence of DatabaseHighHighHigh
Independence of External AgenciesHighHighHigh
Layered OrganizationEntities, Use Cases, Interface Adapters, Frameworks & DriversDomain, Ports, AdaptersCore, Domain, Services, Infrastructure

All three architectures aim to create a robust and adaptable system by enforcing the separation of concerns. Each method promotes loose coupling between components and allows the core business logic to remain independent from external systems, ensuring flexibility and easier maintainability.

In a Golang context, the choice between these architectures can depend on the complexity of the project:

  • Clean Architecture might be preferred in microservices or REST APIs due to its strict separation of concerns and testability, which can handle frequent changes in external services.
  • Hexagonal Architecture might suit projects requiring a high level of adaptability with external interfaces, such as third-party APIs or event-driven systems.
  • Onion Architecture is ideal for domain-centric applications, where the integrity of business logic is paramount and must remain insulated from external infrastructure changes.

>> Read more about SOLID principles:


In this article, we explored the practical implementation of Clean Architecture in Golang, demonstrating how its principles ensure maintainable, scalable, and testable systems. We explored each layer—Entities, Use Cases, Interface Adapters, and Frameworks & Drivers—highlighting their roles in structuring a Go application. Through practical examples, we illustrated how these layers interact to keep the codebase flexible and resilient to changes.

By using Clean Architecture, developers can maintain clear separation between business logic and external dependencies, resulting in a well-organized and adaptable Go application that can evolve with technological changes without significant rework.

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  • golang
  • coding
  • Web application Development